The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Figure 10. “Chevron Hill” is our name for landform field 4. Yellow lines are 2-meter contours from DEM. Figure 11. “Nate’s Hill” is our name for landform field 7. The structure of Nate’s Hill is a limestone dip slope exposing the upper thin beds of the Harrisburg Member dipping southeast. Terrace landforms follow yellow 2-meter contours except in the southwest and northeast of this field where listric normal faults displace the Harrisburg Member. Deformations near faults is consistent with normal drag folds near the faults. Overflight video of this terrain is provided in Loper (2022b). AUSTIN, HOLROYD, FOLKS, AND LOPER Shoreline Transgressive Terraces 2023 ICC 352