The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Figure 12. “Graben Hill” is our name for landform field 8. Graben structure runs through middle left along Buffalo Range Road. Drag of faults appears to cause terrace landforms to deviate from horizontal. Yellow lines are 2-meter contours. Figure 13. The uppermost limestone strata of the Kaibab Formation, including the complete 23-meter-thick Harrisburg Member, are excellently exposed in the western wall of Canyon Diablo. This canyon wall exposure is near the railroad bridge over the canyon just 3.7 kilometers northeast of the northeastern corner of the Wagon Box Draw landform study area. Contact “TRm/Pkh” is friable siltstone of lowest Moenkopi Formation overlying more resistant thin-bedded limestone of the Harrisburg Member at the top of the Kaibab Formation. Contact “Pkh/Pkf” is thin-bedded, somewhat resistant, limestone strata of Harrisburg Member overlying thicker-bedded, more resistant limestone of the Fossil Mountain Member. Scale is provided by three-meter-diameter lone tree at the skyline along the mesa at the top of the canyon wall. Photo by Nate Loper. AUSTIN, HOLROYD, FOLKS, AND LOPER Shoreline Transgressive Terraces 2023 ICC 353