The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

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He is the author of two books, The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation (Evangelical Press, 2009) and Fossils and the Flood: Exploring Lost Worlds with Science and Scripture (New Creation, 2021). He is cohost of the fortnightly podcast, Let’s Talk Creation, with Dr Todd Wood. APPENDIX A: ESTIMATING THE NUMBER OF UNIQUE AGE DETERMINATIONS The USGS National Geochronological Database comprises several files, including a separate file for each radioisotope method and a merged file called “allages.” We used the “allages” file for the purposes of our study. However, because of the way this file is constructed, it included many duplicated ages, which we removed using the Processing software and the source code reproduced below. We called the resulting file our “reformatted allages” file, and we used it for any analyses using our Concordance Metric. However, for our “Two Methods Comparisons” and “U-Th-Pb Comparisons” we obtained data directly from the original “allages” file, removing records that did not contain ages determined by the methods in which we were interested. It should be noted that there are some discrepancies between the “allages” file (and thus our “reformatted allages” file) and the separate files provided in the database for each method. For example: • Record #45 is present in the K-Ar method file but not in the “allages” file. Instead, the “allages” file has a duplicated entry for Record #44. • Record #16763, which contains a K-Ar age in the K-Ar method file, is omitted from the “allages” file. Thus, the total number of unique age determinations in our “reformatted allages” file (29,043) is slightly different to the sum of the age determinations obtained from the separate method files (29,067). However, the difference of 24 ages is very small in comparison to the size of the database as a whole and should not significantly impact our results. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ConcordanceMetric_v1.pde // Benjamin Kinard // // ConcordanceMetric_v1 creates the file “ConcordanceMetricOutput.csv” // that reformats “allages.csv” such that each RecNo is contained // in single row. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table allages; // table containing all samples Table output = new Table(); // output table int[] NumRecNo = new int[18670]; StringList columns = new StringList(); StringList genColumns = new StringList(); void setup() { allages = loadTable(“allages.csv”, “header, csv”); // 25359 rows // initialize output columns genColumns.append(“RecNo”); genColumns.append(“LongDec”); genColumns.append(“LatDec”); genColumns.append(“State”); genColumns.append(“County”); genColumns.append(“QuadScale”); genColumns.append(“QuadName”); genColumns.append(“SampSour”); genColumns.append(“RockName”); columns.append(“ConcordanceScore”); columns.append(“TotalCount”); columns.append(“KArScore”); BEACHY, KINARD AND GARNER How often do radioisotope ages agree? 2023 ICC 397