The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

(Schmandt and Lin 2014). The apparently cooler temperatures exhibited by these subducted slabs create a thermal dilemma for uniformitarian and old-earth geologists, who must demonstrate how these slabs remained cold for millions of years. Colder, subducted slabs are best explained by runaway subduction just thousands of years ago (Baumgardner 1994a; Clarey 2020). Fourth, correlation of oil samples from offshore eastern South America and West Africa show demonstrable chemistry similarities when the continents are reunited (Fig. 6) (Brownfield and Charpentier 2006). The matching and unique chemistry in the oil families found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean can only reasonably be explained by post-depositional plate movement. The geochemical differences found in the oils from north to south along the coasts depend on the uniqueness of the source rocks themselves and not the age of the rocks. These data indicate similar source rocks were deposited at the same time in different locations up and down the coasts of both continents that were later separated by plate motion. In addition, there is observable evidence within most mountain ranges for active or past subduction. Mountain chains like the Himalayan Mountains, Rocky Mountains and Appalachian Mountains contain ample evidence of past explosive volcanism, with an extrusive rock chemistry similar to the modern Cascade volcanoes. These extinct volcanoes produced huge volumes of ash and lava which can still be mapped. Yet, these three ranges have no active stratovolcanoes today. Why? Because there is no current subduction activity beneath these mountain chains to produce the necessary magma. Without active subduction, there is no active volcanism. Whereas, in mountain chains where subduction is still transpiring, for example beneath the Andes Mountains and the Cascade Mountains, we find modern eruptions of stratovolcanoes. Other than CPT, no other Flood mechanism can explain why some mountains have active volcanism while other mountain ranges only have extinct volcanoes. Nor can any other mechanism explain the explosiveness and the unique silicarich chemistry of the subduction zone volcanoes in these ranges. Most volcanoes across the ocean basins are less explosive, basaltic magmas, like the Hawaiian Islands. Volcanoes are heavily influenced by the chemistry of the magma. And magmas are generated in different ways. We will see later that it was the special chemistry of the magmas generated at subduction zones, caused by partial melting of the subducting lithosphere, that fueled the explosive stratovolcanoes necessary to produce global cooling for the Ice Age. Finally, real rock evidence for catastrophic plate movement and frictional melting in subduction zones has been found at plate boundaries (Clarey et al. 2013). All of these different types of evidence collectively testify of a real, global event that completely recycled the pre-Flood seafloor into the earth’s interior, creating a new world geography, separating the continents, and leaving behind billions of fossils as evidence of the catastrophic conditions that took place during the year-long biblical Flood. IV. RESULTS All compiled stratigraphic columns and megasequence boundaries were input by latitude and longitude into RockWorks. We created thickness and extent maps for each of the megasequences across all five of the continents from the stratigraphic columns and surface geologic maps of each continent or country (Figures 7-12). We used Figure 6. Map of the South Atlantic showing the correlation of oil families between Brazil and West Africa (Brownfield and Charpentier 2006). CLAREY AND WERNER Progressive Flood model 2023 ICC 418