The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

(Fig. 8), South America, western Europe, southwestern US, maritime Canada, China and northwestern Africa (Ford and Golonka 2003; Zharkov and Chumakov 2001). Extensively documented in the geoscientific literature is the view that there was a time of drying from at least the later Permian and Triassic, particularly in continental interior locations. This is attested by lithological, fluvial, geochemical, and coal flora evidence as described earlier in this paper. It is an intriguing fact that worldwide no coal seam has yet been discovered in Early Triassic strata (hence the term “Coal Gap”) (Fig. 7) and coal seams in Middle Triassic strata are scarce and thin. This Coal Gap began with the last appearance of coal-forming plants at the end of the Permian, with no coal known anywhere until Middle Triassic strata. Permian levels of plant diversity and coal thickness do not reemerge until Late Triassic strata (Retallack et al. 1996). The reason for the Early Triassic “Coal Gap” is a mystery to secular geoscientists. However, I believe that the Noahic Flood account can solve this mystery. As the earth dried late in the Flood Year there was a period of time before significant new vegetation (dominated by plants better suited to drier conditions) could grow and later be buried to form extensive new post-Paleozoic coal measures. Noah saw when the face of the ground was dry (Genesis 8:13), but waited a further 8 weeks (Genesis 8:14) to confirm that the earth had dried out before God gave the command to exit the ark (Genesis 8:16). This may have been to allow sufficient vegetation to sprout up that could feed the animals exiting the Ark on an ongoing basis (Warren Johns pers. comm.). Late Permian Siberian Traps continental flood basalt volcanism and associated coal fusinite provide evidence for dry land and fires. F. Seafloor spreading stage 1. Returning waters lower mantle silicates melting temperature I consider it very significant that the end Permian major sea level fall (Hallam 1992) and Triassic drying coincided with the initial rifting of Pangea in the Early Triassic (Muller et al. 2019). Significant volumes of water are inferred to have returned to within Figure 20. Schematic model diagram showing inferred effects on a fragmented continental margin of the receding waters stage of Noah’s Flood (figure modified from Maruyama and Liou 2005). 1. Waters drain from continents and transport continental clastics towards offshore grabens in fragmentation zones formed after the fountains of the great deep closed. Waters descend to the mantle boundary layer. Some “missing” sediments transported to deep graben zones. 2. Mid-Carboniferous to Early Permian – Marine regression. Surface of continental basement rocks striated and mass flows form especially adjacent to the continental margin (not an Ice Age). 3. Late Paleozoic—Pre-Flood vegetation comes to ground on the continent, downfaulted and buried to subsequently form coal measures. 4. Late Permian – Sea level drop accelerates and more land emerges. Large rivers with wide valleys form on cratons. 5. Triassic – Area of drying on continental surface extends. Accumulated returning waters hydrate the mantle boundary layer (410-660 km) forming dense hydrous silicates and lowering the viscosity. Magmas were generated by lowering the melting temperature of silicates in the mantle. Hydration softened and weakened rocks, thereby lowering the internal friction of rocks and enhancing mantle convection. Pangea rifting was underway. DICKENS Flood Waters Lead to Seafloor Spreading 2023 ICC 466