The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

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He has delivered presentations in North America, Asia, UK and around Australia. Harry has written YEC papers on rapid petroleum formation, Precambrian geology and the Bible (including banded iron formations), as well as the geochemical and erosional effects of Noah’s Flood. He presented at the 2018 ICC in Pittsburgh. APPENDIX A SOME SCENARIOS FOR THE SPEED OF OPENING OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN Approximate maximum width of today’s Atlantic Ocean is 1,600 km or 990 miles. Approximate average rate of opening Duration Hours km/hr mph m/sec 40 days 960 1.67 1.03 0.46 150 days 3600 0.44 0.28 0.12 Year of Flood 1 year 8760 0.18 0.11 0.05 100 years 876600 0.0018 0.0011 0.0005 Life of Peleg 239 years 2095074 0.0008 0.0005 0.0002 All these average rates are less than average walking pace and apparently not catastrophic. However, rates may not have been smoothly uniform but could have been episodic in parts. APPENDIX B SEA LEVEL INTERPRETATION Exxon geologists Peter Vail and others estimated sea level changes using interpretation of seismic sections to determine the extent of coastal onlap evident from strata in sedimentary basins around the world (Vail et al. 1977). Their motivation was commercial – to aid in the finding of oil and gas. Their approach gave clues as to the subsurface location of petroleum system elements, such as hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoir rocks. Sea level interpretation by British geologist and palaeontologist Professor Anthony Hallam is based not just on seismic stratigraphy, but also on numerous additional techniques. These techniques include paleogeographic mapping and hypsometry, depth-related invertebrate and algal groups, glauconite concentration, phosphorites, oolitic ironstones, oceanic anoxia, seawater strontium ratio and facies correlation. Times of sea level rise over land are marked by an excess of carbonates over siliclastics (Hallam 1992). At the 2018 International Conference on Creationism, Hallam’s petrographic description of aeolian sandstone (Hallam’s 1981 book Facies interpretation and the stratigraphic record) was used to indicate that the Permian Coconino Sandstone was not aeolian (Borsch et al. 2018). To estimate depth of sea level, Hallam used regional scale observations from exposed geologic sections, including sedimentary facies and fossils (along with estimates of the areas of flooded continental interiors). Hallam has used a wide range of specific depth indicators. DICKENS Flood Waters Lead to Seafloor Spreading 2023 ICC 473