The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

ments begins at 250 My ago (Triassic) and that of the ocean floor sediments at 100 My ago (Mid-Cretaceous). During the time of seafloor spreading/continental drift significant mass was added on passive margins (seawards-tapering sedimentary wedges dissected by faults) as well as on the oceanic floor (Veizer and Mackenzie 2014) (Fig. 22). I infer that the initial supercontinent fragmentation occurred in the Neoproterozoic, but the opening up of today’s oceans was later—in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Lower volumes with marine transgression Lower volume of earlier megasequences (e.g. Sauk, Tippecanoe) as lower relief topography and less runoff during marine transgression (after the Neoproterozoic peneplanation, e.g. Great Unconformity). During marine transgression, such as in the Cambrian, the coastline moves landwards and the marine area enlarges. With transgression over shorelines, sediments are commonly thin and there is a reduced sediment influx to basin (Cattaneo and Steel 2003). Dickens and Hutchison (2021b) interpreted the drop in Late Cambrian and post-Cambrian 87Sr/86Sr ratio values to be caused by complete inundation of land surfaces and no longer direct continental erosional impact of rain on the land. Formerly the increase in the Neoproterozoic 87Sr/86Sr ratio was associated with global continental erosion (Peters and Gaines 2012). Mid-Carboniferous (top-Kaskasia) unconformity Around the world there is a Mid-Carboniferous unconformity (between marine Mississippian limestone and more non-marine Pennsylvanian strata) and this indicates marine regression (Saunders and Ramsbottom 1986). Mississippian Redwall Limestone in the Grand Canyon is notable for its karst features, including caves, and this is an indicator of rainwater on exposed limestone, and so also regression (receding sea level). Drying indicators in Absaroka megasequence Extensively documented in the geoscientific literature is the view that there was a time of drying indicated by at least the later Permian and particularly in Triassic strata, particularly in continental interior locations. Evidence has been described in this paper. However, these evidences appear to have been overlooked or discounted in the existing young earth creationist literature, perhaps due to differing end-Flood model biases. DICKENS Flood Waters Lead to Seafloor Spreading 2023 ICC 476