The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

APPENDIX D A YOUNG EARTH CREATIONIST GEOHISTORY MODEL INCORPORATING SEAFLOOR SPREADING AS A CONSEQUENCE OF RECEDING NOAH’S FLOOD WATERS. STAGE PROCESSES PRODUCTS (Geology) Pleistocene. G. Ice Age. Strong evaporation of heated oceanic waters, and volcanic aerosols, bring on continental ice sheets and lower sea level. Submarine canyons on continental shelves. Early Triassic to Tertiary. F. Seafloor spreading. Seafloor spreading and opening up of today’s oceans at a modest rate. Hot expanded mid-ocean ridges - water displaced onto continents to form seaways (not a globe-covering ocean). Mountain building on continents active margins and thick sedimentary sequences deposited from mainly non-marine detritus runoff. Burial episodes, fossilisation and new coal measures form. Passive margin sediments (little deformation) above breakup unconformities on half-grabens. Interior seaway marine sediments on continents (eg Cretaceous Western Interior Basin). Low sulfur coals indicate freshwater. Triassic first appearance of terrestrial vertebrate fossils such as dinosaurs. Triassic. E. Widespread drying. Increased occurrence of non-marine environments. Water that receded into top mantle lowers silicate melting temperature and viscosity, enhancing mantle convection and enabling seafloor spreading to get underway. Calcrete, gypsum, anhydrite, laterite, bauxite, red beds, lacustrine and alluvial deposits. Coal Gap then dominance of coal flora better suited to drier conditions. (Exit from ark). Late Paleozoic. D. Primary receding waters. Primary marine regression accelerates with energetic mass flows off continents (not a Late Paleozoic “Ice Age”). PreFlood vegetation comes to ground and buried in grabens. Sea level falls to the widespread End Permian low, reduction of shallow marine habitats and extinction of marine invertebrates. Fountains closed, cool. Subsidence and grabens form. Worldwide Mid-Carboniferous unconformity. Diamictite (mass flow deposits) with overlying Carboniferous and Permian coal measures in grabens. Some non-marine deposition underway, such as river systems, lakes. Devonian redbeds in a regional area. Early Paleozoic. C. Marine transgression. Vegetation floats with rising waters. Ensuing maximum marine transgression onto continent. 40 days and night rain. Global absence of Early Paleozoic coal measures. Marine sedimentary layers over peneplaned supercontinent (Great Unconformity). Neoproterozoic. B. Topographic destruction. Immense water flows and ferocious erosion and peneplanation of even hard crystalline basement rocks of the supercontinent. Mass flows. Vegetation stripped off the land. Thorough abrading of terrestrial vertebrates outside of the ark. Cryogenian diamictites. Great Unconformity. Global absence of terrestrial vertebrate skeletal fossils such as dinosaurs in Paleozoic strata. Neoproterozoic. A. Supercontinent fragmentation. Flood fountains burst and water flows commence. Regional hydrothermal zones e.g. Darling Fault Zone. DICKENS Flood Waters Lead to Seafloor Spreading 2023 ICC 477