The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Figure 18. Fuzzy analysis (FANNY) of the Proterosuchidae and Erythrosuchidae subset dataset in: A) two groups and B) three groups. With two groups, red is Proterosuchidae and green is Erythrosuchidae + Sarmatosuchus. With three groups, red is some proterosuchids, green is Erythrosuchidae, and blue is some proterosuchids and Sarmatosuchus. recognizable clusters of taxa separated from each other: Ornithischia, Saurischia, and Silesauridae + Lagosuchus (Figure 39). Interestingly, the highest average silhouette values were at two groups (0.33) and four groups (0.28) when using both PAM and FANNY to analyze this subset dataset (Figure 40). The two-group model split up the silesaurids + Lagosuchus from the rest of the taxa (Dinosauria). The four-group model retained the silesaurid + Lagosuchus group, but it then created three groups of dinosaurs: Ornithischia, Theropoda, and Sauropodomorpha. Herrerasaurus was included with the sauropodomorph group, but with a negative silhouette width. M. Pterosauromorpha Unfortunately, both the Pearson and Spearman BDC plots for the pterosauromorph subset analysis are essentially unintelligible (Figure 41). The MDS results (Figure 42) likely reveal one of the reasons why. The four lagerpetids and two pterosaurs (Austriadraco and Peteinosaurus) form vertices of an unusual polyhedron that encompasses the more tightly clustered Pterosauria within. The other issue with this subset analysis is that a meager 44 of the original 823 characters were used. MCLAIN, CLAUSEN, PEREZ, BEEBE, AND AHTEN Archosauromorph Baraminology 2023 ICC 505