Figure 22. Proterochampsia FANNY Silhouette Plot A) including outgroup at five groups B) no outgroup at four groups. Dimorphodon. The other contains Carniadactylus, Eudimorphodon, and Seazzadactylus. Rhamphorhynchus is roughly equidistant to both groups, whereas Peteinosaurus is closest to the first group and Raeticodactylus is far from all of the other taxa. As such, the MDS matches the BDC results in general pattern (i.e., lagerpetids separate from pterosaurs), but some of the positions of pterosaur taxa in MDS are surprising (e.g., Raeticodactylus). The PAM results (Figure 45) were all relatively close in average silhouette width regardless of which model we ran: two groups (0.33), three groups (0.32), four groups (0.31), or five groups (0.34). The two-group model separated the lagerpetids from the pterosaurs, although Scleromochlus grouped with the pterosaurs with a silhouette width of -0.2. The three-group model, rather than separating Scleromochlus from the pterosaurs, split up the pterosaurs into Eudimorphodontoidea (green) and the rest of the pterosaurs (red). At four groups, Rhamphorhynchus was set apart as its own group. Finally, the five-group model recognized Lagerpetidae (blue), Eudimorphodontoidea (green), Dimorphodon + “basal” pterosaurs (red), Rhamphorhynchus (yellow), and Scleromochlus (purple). By contrast, the FANNY results (Figure 46) noticeably differed in average silhouette values: two groups (0.16), three groups (0.31), four groups (0.33), and five groups (0.25). Concerning the two highest values, the three-group model recognized a non-pterosaur group, a Eudimorphodontoidea group (including Rhamphorhynchus MCLAIN, CLAUSEN, PEREZ, BEEBE, AND AHTEN Archosauromorph Baraminology 2023 ICC 508