MCLAIN, CLAUSEN, PEREZ, BEEBE, AND AHTEN Archosauromorph Baraminology 2023 ICC 536 Supplemental Figure 9. 3D multidimensional scaling (MDS) results for the Erpetosuchidae + non-paracrocodylomorph Pseudosuchia subset dataset in three views: A, B, and C. Colors: Yellow - Ornithosuchidae; Red - Aetosauria; Blue - Gracilisuchidae; Green – Erpetosuchidae (including Parringtonia); Purple - Ticinosuchus. Supplemental Figure 8. Baraminic distance correlation (BDC) results for the Erpetosuchidae + non-paracrocodylomorph Pseudosuchia subset dataset: A) Pearson correlation coefficient and B) Spearman correlation coefficient. Black squares indicate significant positive correlation, whereas open circles indicate significant negative correlation.