The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Boundary A B C D E F G H I J Series System Erathem Eonothem Valanginian/Hauterivian 83 523 48 -64% 9% -29% Hauterivian/Barremian 84 417 40 -17% 10% 5% Barremian/Aptian 85 2137 116 190% 588% 5% -43% -56% Aptian/Albian 86 3289 140 21% 4% -22% Albian/Cenomanian 87 2063 255 82% 12% 190% Lo/U Cretaceous Cenomanian/Turonian 88 4475 275 8% 6% -50% 10 Turonian/Coniacian 89 815 53 -81% 7% 6% 211% Coniacian/Santonian 90 795 152 187% 19% 194% P Santonian/Campanian 91 1314 101 -34% 8% -60% Campanian/Maastrichtian 92 1048 139 38% 105% 13% 73% Maastrichtian/Danian 93 3247 207 49% 6% -52% -58% 3 Cretaceous/Paleogene Danian/Selandian 94 1372 76 -63% 6% -13% E Selandian/Thanetian 95 554 76 0% 14% 148% 176% Thanetian/Ypresian 96 1476 226 197% 746% 15% 12% Paleocene/Eocene Ypresian/Lutetian 97 5107 577 155% 11% -26% Lutetian/Bartonian 98 3594 643 11% 18% 58% 59% Bartonian/Priabonian 99 2693 485 -25% -60% 18% 1% Priabonian/Rupelian 100 10267 257 -47% 3% -86% Eocene/Oligocene Rupelian/Chattian 101 3092 441 72% 14% 470% Chattian/Aquitanian 102 2359 179 -59% 8% -47% Oligocene/Miocene Paleogene/Neogene Aquitanian/Burdigalian 103 1249 305 70% 204% 24% 222% Burdigalian/Langhian 104 3911 545 79% 14% -43% -68% Langhian/Serravallian 105 1395 173 -68% 12% -11% Serravallian/Tortonian 106 4258 328 90% 8% -38% Tortonian/Messinian 107 2319 297 -9% -20% 13% 66% 160% Messinian/Zanclean 108 1382 264 -11% 19% 49% Miocene/Pliocene Zanclean/Piacenzian 109 2927 586 122% 20% 5% Piacenzian/Gelasian 110 3477 264 -55% -82% 8% -62% Neogene/Quaternary Gelasian/Calabrian 111 1066 107 -59% 10% 32% 429% Calabrian/Middle Pleistocene 112 650 131 22% 845% 20% 101% Middle Pleistocene/Late Pleistocene 113 2517 1011 672% 40% 99% Late Pleistocene/Holocene 114 5412 479 -53% 9% -78% Pleistocene/Holocene Table 1, continued taceous (81-93) systems. The Cenozoic zone (boundaries 94-114) is characterized by moderate to very high NLSSS values. This zone includes all but the lowest stage boundary of the Cenozoic erathem (93-114), the Tertiary sub-erathem (93-111), and the Paleogene system (93-102), as well as all the stage boundaries of the Quaternary sub-erathem (111-114) and the Neogene system (102-114). NLSSS values vary from 76 (boundaries 94-95) to 1011 (boundary 113). %NLSSS values vary from 6% (boundaries 94-95) to 40% (boundary 113). Overall, the two most similar patterns seem to be the Ordovician-Mississippian and Mesozoic zones, with the latter showing a higher amplitude. In our visual inspection, we also see a potential episodic pattern in the Cenozoic zone (and even more so in the Mesozoic zone). So, we will be testing the NLSSS pattern for periodized by low to moderate NLSSS values. This zone includes all stage boundaries of the Ordovician (25-32), Silurian (32-40), and Devonian (40-47) systems and the stage boundaries of the Pennsylvanian subsystem (47-49). The Pennsylvanian-Permian zone (boundaries 49-63) is characterized by very high NLSSS values. This zone includes the two uppermost Mississippian subsystem stage boundaries (49-50), and all the stage boundaries of the Pennsylvanian subsystem (50-54) and the Permian system (54-63). The Mesozoic zone (boundaries 63-94) is characterized by low to high NLSSS values. This zone includes the two lowest boundaries (93-94) of the Cenozoic erathem (and Tertiary sub-erathem, and Paleogene system), as well as all the boundaries of the Mesozoic erathem (63-93) and the Triassic (63-70), Jurassic (70-81), and CreWISE and RICHARDSON Biostratigraphic continuity and earth history 2023 ICC 615