The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Genesis of CREA: [New!] Creation Research Engineering Association John Swan <>, WHY ENGINEERS? (& similar) Engineers naturally see the design in anything Understand simulation, modeling, numerical analysis… Many may be interested in part time research Desire to use their talents for origins research Vast unmobilized army of potential researchers! Typically don’t work around ‘origins thought police’ Huge GAP = Opportunity! for Creationism Huge leaps in scientific knowledge Huge leaps in computing capability SOLUTION: Enlist full time or retired engineers, and students into CREA ■ Members will have interest in donating time CREA will help match your research projects to its members ■ Support simulations, modeling, numeric analysis, etc. Enable faster progress or more research projects Molecular Biology Geology Astronomy Match ↕ ↕ expertise FUTURE BENEFITS: New crop of engineers at all ages involved Some may become more active in retirement Engineer pool (CREA) Research Project Types (examples) Accelerate Projects – or – Do More Projects Example research domains for engineering expertise: Help we need now: Genetics Biology Molecular Biology Geology Astronomy/cosmos Web site support Create a 501(c)(3) Interested Engineers CREA independently supports creationist projects: Example orgs: CRS, ICR, CMI, AIG, LRA, Universities… Scientist-driven research with computing needs World of engineers not active** (join CREA!) CREA Matchmaking CREA casts net among engineers & engineering types How it works Result