The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

DIVERSE ASSEMBLAGE OF ARTHROPODS IN AMBER FROM UPPER CRETACEOUS TARHEEL FORMATION NEAR GOLDSBORO, NC Dana Goodnight, PG1 9th International Conference on Creationism, July 16-19, 2023 ABSTRACT A relatively unexplored Upper Cretaceous (early Campanian) amber-bearing lignite deposit in Goldsboro, North Carolina has yielded a diverse assemblage of arthropods. Preliminary cataloging of approximately 175 biological inclusions obtained from the site include microscopic and macroscopic representatives from two subphyla of Arthropoda (Chelicerata and Hexapoda) and at least 9 orders of insects (Blattodea, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Psocoptera, Thysanoptera, and Archaeognatha). In addition to animal inclusions, the Goldsboro amber often contains abundant plant matter, fungal mycelia, enhydros, and air bubbles. The inclusions depicted by micrographs in this poster presentation have not been formally classified and systematically described. Only an extinct ant genus Baikurus (Krynicki, 2013) and a new species of phantom midge, Neuseptychoptera carolinensis, (Szadziewski, et al., 2018) from this site have been described by others. Cretaceous amber sites in North America, yielding abundant biological inclusions are rare, so even the systematic description and classification of this material would be noteworthy even without developing more specific applications to creationist modeling. The primary purpose of this presentation is to visually document the diversity of inclusions being found in North Carolina amber and to recruit other creationists with the expertise needed to properly evaluate and develop potential research goals for this material. The amber and biological inclusions being reported here belong to the personal and expanding collection of the author. RESULTS - Thousands of pieces of amber - 175+ biological inclusions, mostly arthropods (Chelicerata and Hexapoda) - Perhaps 9 or more insect orders, plant material, fungal mycelia, spider webs, air bubbles, enhydros, stellate hairs, inorganic crystal growths (dendrites), etc. METHODS - Amber was extracted from lignite by manually breaking apart the lignite matrix and rinsing. - Pieces of amber were cleaned, polished, and scanned for biological inclusions. - An Amscope SE300 Series Illuminated Stereomicroscope was used for preliminary screening. - Photographs of inclusions were made primarily with an iPhone 7 camera using a microscope adapter. Helicon Focus stacking software was utilized to enhance the focus on some images. - Biological inclusions have been cataloged and placed in individualized storage containers in the author’s personal collection. BACKGROUND Paleobotanist Edward Berry described amber from the lignite beds along the Neuse River in Goldsboro, North Carolina in a publication in the early 1900s (Berry, 1907). However, since that report over 116 years ago, very little published research has focused on amber and inclusions in Goldsboro, NC. A fossil collecting guide (Bulletin 89) published by the NCGS indicated that “rare amber” can be found at the Neuse River Cut-Off (NRCO) southwest of Goldsboro, NC (Carter, et al., 1988). David Grimaldi of the American Museum of Natural History briefly mentioned the amber bearing deposits of the Goldsboro area (Grimaldi, 1996). Several publications have noted that other fossils have been found in the river channel and banks including lignitized fossil fruits and leaves as well as petrified wood (Friis, et al., 2011). More recently there have been at least two publications that have begun to identify and describe arthropod inclusions from the NRCO site (Krynicki, 2013 and Szadziewski, et al., 2018). Amateur fossil collectors have exhibited specimens periodically in online forums. This poster begins reporting a more diverse and surprising assemblage of arthropods from the amber bearing lignite deposits here and opens discussion for potential areas of creationist research. POTENTIAL RESEARCH References Acknowledgements Scan for inclusion photos - Radiocarbon analysis – both the lignite matrix and amber are suitable materials for radiocarbon analysis if they are not excluded from such testing by an a priori commitment to their presumed great age. The maturation of resin into amber is assumed to take long periods of time, but geological conditions impact the rate of amberization (Anderson, 1996). - Stasis – Exquisite preservation provides a very direct way to test stasis over supposed great ages, as Cretaceous arthropods can be compared to morphologically similar modern forms (Robinson, 2020). -Paleoenvironmental analysis – Paleoforest ecosystems, climate, depositional environment, etc. (FT-IR and NMR Spectroscopy, stable isotope geochemistry, etc. See McKellar, 2010). - Systematics and Baraminology Studies – the Goldsboro, NC amber inclusion assemblage may become a useful data set for systematics and baraminology investigations. 1. Professional Geologist with Falcon Engineering, Cary, North Carolina 27513 - Anderson, K.B. 1996. The nature and fate of natural resins in the geosphere – VII. A radiocarbon (14C) age scale for description of immature natural resins: an invitation to scientific debate. Org. Geochem 25, no. 3/4: 251-253. - Berry, E. W. 1907. Contributions to the Mesozoic flora of the Atlantic coastal Plain−II. North Carolina. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 34: 185 − 206. - Carter, J.G., P.E. Gallagher, R.E. Valone, and T.J. Rossbach. 1988. Fossil Collecting in North Carolina. Bulletin 89. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, NC. - Friis, E., Crane, P., & Pedersen, K. (2011). Stratigraphic framework and key areas for Cretaceous angiosperms. In Early Flowers and Angiosperm Evolution (pp. 55-100). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511980206.005. - Krynicki, V.E. 2013. Primitive ants (Hymenoptera: Sphecomyrminae) in the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of North Carolina (USA). Life: The Excitement of Biology 1, no. 3: 156-165. - McKellar, R.C. and A.P. Wolfe. 2010. Canadian Amber. In David Penney (editor), Biodiversity of Fossils in Amber from the Major World Deposits, pp. 96-113. Siri Scientific Press. - Robinson, Philip. 2020. Startling fossils in Amber defy long age dogmas. Creation Magazine 42, no. 4 (October): 24-27. - Sohl, N.F., and J.P. Owens. 1991. Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Carolina Coastal Plain. In Horton, J.W., Jr., and V.A. Zullo, eds., The Geology of the Carolinas: Carolina Geological Society, 50th Anniversary Volume, pp. 191-220. - Szadziewski, R., V.E. Krynicki, and W. Krzeminski. 2018. The latest record of the extinct subfamily Eoptychopterinae (Diptera: Ptychopteridae) from upper Cretaceous of North Carolina. Cretaceous Research 82:147-151. I would like to thank Abby and Kenan Goodnight for their assistance with the poster layout design. A. Upper Cretaceous Mesozoic Phanerozoic Eon Era Period Epoch Cape Fear Formation Middendorf Formation Tarheel Formation Bladen Formation Donoho Creek Fm. Peedee Formation Sohl & Owens 1991 Age Maastrichtian Campanian Black Creek Group Santonian Coniacian A. Interbedded Lignite & Sand B. Site Goldsboro, Wayne County USGS The National Map US Topo (SW Goldsboro Quadrangle, 2022) Figure 4. Amber and biological inclusions; A - Lignite with amber fragment above the 3-inch mark; B – Goldsboro amber with internal fractures; C – Archaeognatha; D – Blattodea; E – Coleoptera; F -Diptera; G – Diptera; H – Diptera; I – Hemiptera; J – Hymenoptera; K – Hymenoptera; L – Lepidoptera; M – Psocoptera; N – Thysanoptera; O – Trombidiformes; P – Trombidiformes. Figure 1. Geographic Location; A – North Carolina Map with Goldsboro area highlighted; B – Site map of the Neuse River Cut-Off locality (approx. latitude 35.3494, longitude -78.0322) 60 80 100 Neuse River Cut-Off SW Bank Profile Lignite & Sand Lenses Elevation (Feet) 0 0 10 20 20 -20 30 40 40 50 60 70 80 Neuse River at low water Southwest Horizontal Distance (Feet) Geologic Setting Geographic Location Figure 2 (left) Geologic Setting. A – North Carolina Upper Cretaceous formations adapted from Sohl & Owens, 1991. B – Southwest bank with Tarheel Formation sediments exposed at NRCO. Figure 3 (above) Neuse River Cut-Off SW bank profile and channel interbedded lignite and sand at low water. B. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P