The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

, ll 1. Set C14 percent modern carbon (pmc) for carbon from the Flood, Joseph Famine, and 1000 BC to 0.292, 56.8, and 70. 2. Based on the above values, fit a curve to the “IntCal20” C14 data connecting the biblical dates of 2500 BC to 1000 BC. 1/ iug The trace amounts of C14 in ancient human bones imply that these people died up to 50 thousand years ago. This assumes that the concentration of C14 in the atmosphere has remained constant at today’s concentration. Such ages are incompatible with the record of Genesis which places Noah’s Flood about 4500 years ago, less than one half-life for C14. The trace amounts of C14 in coals buried by the Flood show that the atmospheric concentration of C14 at the time of the Flood was about 1% of today’s concentration. So C14 can be used to date ancient carbon using a biblical timescale. Here, the C14 calibration curve (“IntCal20”), based on tree ring chronologies, is recalibrated according to the C14 content of these ancient carbons: 1. coals buried in the Flood (2500 BC), 2. people in the Allen Ancient DNA Resource (AADR) who died in the Neolithic Decline (the Joseph famine of 1875 BC) and 3. tree rings from 1000 BC. By this recalibration, the secular timescale of 50 thousand years encompassing the late Pleistocene and the Stone Age becomes 1500 years from the Flood to 1000 BC. Using this biblical C14 timescale, the post-Babel settlement of Europe is revealed in the human fossil record of the AADR. * Recalibration of the IntCal20 C14 curve allows 50 thousand years of secular history to compress into the biblical timescale. * Neolithic hunters, including Neanderthals, are first to arrive in Europe following Babel. * The population grew with arrival of farmers, collapsed in the Joseph Famine, and rebounded in the Bronze Age. * Radiocarbon can be used with a biblical timescale. Fig. 1. Biblical vs secular age based on radiocarbon. Fig. 2. C14 recalibration curve for Flood at 2500 BC: pmc = 0.292 + 71.81 * (1 - 2 ** (-.0035691*t)) Fig. 3. Secular collapsed into biblical timescale. Fig. 4. Ancient European Y-chromosome samples from AADR recalibrated to a post-Flood timescale. Fig. 5. Biblical timeline for settlement of Europe after Babel. The image part with relationship ID rId3 was not found in the file. “How old am I, really?” Acknowledgments Thanks to Craig McCluskey who helped with fitting the recalibration curve. References 1. Allen Ancient DNA Resource", version 54.1) 2. Baumgardner, J. R. And D. R. Humphrey. 2003. Measurable 14C in Fossilized Organic Materials: Confirming the Young Earth Creation-Flood Model. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 5:127-142. 3. Reiner, Paula J. et al. 2020. The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55 cal kBP). Radiocarbon 62(4):725-757. By Marshall Jordan, MD. Albuquerque, NM Abstract Can radiocarbon dating fit a biblical timescale? By Marshall Jordan MD of Albuquerque, NM for the International Conference on Creationism July 16-19, 2023 at Cedarville University Methods Results Conclusions 2500 BC Fig. 5 Settlement of Europe after Babel FigF.ig1. 3 1. Set C14 percent modern carbon (pmc) for carbon from the Flood, the Joseph Famine, and 1000 BC to 0.292, 56.8, and 70. 2. Based on the above values, fit a curve to the “IntCal20” C14 data connecting the biblical dates of 2500 BC to 1000 BC. 3. Display biblical dates for the Allen Ancient DNA Resources data for the settlement of Europe. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 2 Fig. 1