The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Geologic Analysis of Ice Age Simulation Results Elizabeth Sultan, | Dr. Steven M. Gollmer, Cedarville University Department of Science and Mathematics Abstract Ice ages conventionally have required long periods of time to form, it is hypothesized, however, that the Genesis Flood would have provided conditions triggering an ice age within a few hundred years. This research project compared the output data from a 360-year ModelE2.1.2 run of an ice age simulation, to the geologic record of the last glacial maximum (LGM). The simulation was started with conditions based on Michael Oard’s proposed model of the ice age. The outputs were compared to the LGM in ArcGIS Pro. The results showed that the model produced ice age conditions with both similarities and differences to what is observed in the geologic record of the LGM within a few hundred years. Methods This simulation was run based on Michael Oard’s ice age model. The key pieces for this model are warm oceans and atmospheric aerosols. These conditions would have been found in the post flood world due to the increase in tectonic activity during the flood. Dr. Steven Gollmer ran the simulation using ModelE2.1.2 by NASA which is a coupled atmospheric-ocean model. The model had simulated 360 years at the time of this project. Dr. Gollmer changed the initial conditions to mimic the proposed post flood conditions by increasing ocean temperatures to 24 C, changing the atmospheric aerosols to 2.0 tau, and removing previous ice coverage to 1/3 the original height to account for isostatic rebound. This project then analyzed the output data, comparing the snow and ice extent to the currently defined last glacial maximum (LGM). This was done by overlaying a GIS map of the LGM with the simulation raster output files in ArcGIS Pro. Discussion Based on geological evidence such as isostatic rebounding and glacial geomorphology an estimate of the last glacial maximum (LGM) has been mapped. When the geologic LGM was compared to the simulation outputs there were some key features that correlated well while others were missing. Some key features that correlated well were the glaciation that occurred in high mountains worldwide. This can be seen on the snow and ice coverage map in the Himalayas, and Andes especially. Also, the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets could be outline in the model based on the snow depth and snow and ice coverage maps. Finally, many of the ice-free zones worldwide were predicted in the model. This includes Siberia and some of the ice-free corridor in North America. There were also several features that did not line up well with what is seen geologically. Primarily, the Total Earth Ice map shows Greenland and northern Canada as mostly ice free, This issue was likely caused by the surface type not being changed for this area after the ice was removed in the initial conditions. This means that the snow was not converted to ice at those locations. The other issue that can be seen is in the total snow and ice coverage map the arctic ocean is completely covered while geologically it is hypothesized that the arctic ocean was too warm to be covered in ice during the LGM. Conclusions This project was able to analyze the output data from a ModelE2.1.2 run of an ice age simulation based on Micheal Oard’s post flood conditions. During the simulation run an ice age was produced in a few hundred years that had several correlating features with what is seen in the geological record. More research needs to be done to further refine the inputs and further analysis of the outputs is needed. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Gollmer, Dr. Whitmore, and Professor Rice for their guidance. I would also like to thank Mr. Nathanael Davis, and Dr. Gathany for their help in the research process. Total Earth Ice map at 40-year intervals throughout the model run. 9th International Conference on Creationism Snow and ice coverage output compared to the last glacial maximum at model year 360 Total earth ice in kg/m2 output compared to the last glacial maximum at model year 360 Snow depth in mm of H2O output compared to the last glacial maximum at model year 360 Map of the Last Glacial Maximum in North America showing the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets. References Map of North America showing the extent of late pleistocene glaciat... Map of North America showing the extent of Late Pleistocene glaciat... | U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2023, from Oard, M. J. (1990). An ice age caused by the Genesis Flood. Institute for Creation Research. Oard, M. J. (2006). Frozen in time. Master Books.