Inspire, Fall 1992

Jenistas Complete 17 YearsIn The U.S.Foreign Service _IF rank '68 and Barb Lepine Jenista'70 are thrilled with their next assignment in the U.S.Diplomatic Service. Returning to the Philippines in September will be like going home for Dr.Jenista, whose parents served as missionaries there during his childhood. Barb plans to teach primary grades for the International School in Manila while Frank will serve the U.S.Embassy as press officer and spokesperson. Their younger child, Margaret, will be an eighth grader at Faith Academy and their son,Todd,is enrolled as a freshman at Cedarville College. The Jenistas' 17 years of foreign service began in 1975 when Dr.Jenista was commissioned as a United States Foreign Service Officer.They were stationed in Tokyo,Japan(1976-77); Medan,Indonesia(1978-81); Wellington,New Zealand(1981-82); Manila,Philippines(1982-87); Washington, D.C.(1987-89);and Montevideo,Uruguay(1989-92). The Jenistas' vision of providing financial assistance to children of missionaries led them to establish the MK Scholarship Fund at Cedarville College in 1984. To date,27 MK's have received assistance in loans and scholarships from this fund. Time For Cedar What? ir , is that time of year for promises to be made to constituents, hard-line campaigning, and "delegation mania."That could only mean one thing! Cedar What? is upon us. This Alpha Chi- sponsored event,held in presidential election years since 1964 at Cedarville College,allows faculty and staff the opportunity to make outlandish guarantees to the mythical nation ofCedar What?. As the provinces(perhaps you remember some: Anxiety,Timidity,Hysteria,Calamity, and Redundance,to name afew)gather for the convention on October 31, 1992,delegates will support their favorite presidential hopeful in the questfor change and improvement.The candidates will havejust over three weeks ofcampaigning before the votes are cast at the convention.Candidates for Cedar What? 1992 will be announced during the first week ofschool. Mk a Nikita Jannell Jonatha Geoffrey Walker Brent York '82 Thomas De Mee Kevin Carder'8 David Burglien Luis Corchado '8 Kevin Todd '85 Jim Liebler'86 Kurt Anderson' George Reede'8 Robert Bowman' Nancy Hanna Lovin '8 Bryan Schroll'89 LAW SCHOOLSTUDEN Rebecca Bartlett Slack'86 Jody Eckart'89 Kelly Fath '91 Tonya Swackhammer'92 MILITARY SERVICE Capt.Jack Einwechter'84,Prosecutor for Ar Advocate General Corps Cheryl Phillips'85,Contract Attorney for U.S Scott Beattie'89,Enlisted as lawyer for U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AND Bruce Keizer '77,Tax Lawyer Timothy Stoner'78,Attorney for State of Mic Joel Gehrke'80N, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, C City,Michigan June Streigel'80,Lawyer for Attorney General's0 State of Missouri Ron Phillips'81,Hearing Clerk & Press Secretary for Senate Agricultural Committee Ken Chadwell'83,U.S.District Attorney for Detroit; Michigan DeMaunce Smith '85, Assistant United States Distri Attorney,Washington,D.C. Dave Edwards'86,Founded Capitol Consulting Agen Rod Fillinger '86,U.S.Treasury Department Tax Attorney Timothy Day'87,Legislative Director for Dave Hobson John Krueger'87,Aide to Congressman F.James Sensenbrenner Walter Taylor'87,Legislative Assistant to Senator John Kasick Jill Wyse'88,Aide to Lieutenant Governor Michael DeWine David Hale'89,State Representative for Missouri Bethany Goeppner Kush'89,Deputy Clerk US FOREIGN SERVICE Frank Jenista'68,U.S.Embassy in Manila,Philippines Paul Freeman '79,U.S.Embassy in Cairo,Egypt The Alumni office has attempted to include all alumni who are involved in government and law occupations. If you have not bee included in this list, please contact the Alumni office so that we can your information and maintain current and accurate facts on all our a Thank you for your cooperation and help in this endeavor. Philadelphia Trip D r. James McGoldrick an Dr. J. Murray Murdoch'88H will lead a group of Cedarville College students on the Philadelphia Study-Tour September 2-11. This annual event which features on-site teaching by the professors and four credit hours continues to be a strong program for the Social Sciences and History Department.The group will tour Independence Hall,the Betsy Ross House,the Liberty Bell,Christ Church, Benjamin Franklin Park, Valley Forge,and other historic landmarks. Integral-in Biblical Principles In The Practice OfLaw A s the battle for moral and ethical standards in the legal system rages, it is refreshing to hear ofa law firm that openly advertises: "Integrating Biblical Principles in the Practice of Law." Jannell Decker '81, a biology/premed major at Cedarville College,graduated from Dickinson School ofLaw in Carlisle,Pennsylvania in 1984 and is a partner in the firm of Decker,Decker,and Dudick ofForty Fort,Pennsylvania.She specializes in real estate and estate planning. Because ofthe firm's stand on the Word ofGod, they represent most ofthe Bible-believing churches in the area. Jannell's responsibilities at the firm have greatly increased since the death of her father,the senior partner,last year. Her mother was taken home to heaven several months before his death. Remember to pray for Jannell as she continues the biblical direction ofthe law firm. David _'Steps OutAs Comfit nit Leader A s Missouri State Representative for District 77, David Hale'86 finds daily challenge in serving the public. After earning a social science from Cedarville College, Hale's original plans were to study international law in Texas and practice in Brussels or some other European Community country. But the Lord had plans for Dave in public office,representing the people of St. Louis County,20 minutesfrom downtown St. Louis. In 1988 David was the first Republican to win representation of the 9,000 primarily Democratic households in his district. Hale states that during the first campaign his committee knocked on every door at least twice."People vote one at a time and that's how we won the vote,one at a time." He ran for office again in 1990 and anticipates afavorable outcome in the November 1992 elections. Hale has been involved with a number oftask teams and committees concerned with education,abortion,and health care issues. But he states that the number one issue facing his district deals with pulling the state of Missouri into international global markets.Thejoint committee for economic development in which David has been involved recommendseconomic policies that benefit small businesses. Hale believes that through this economic task team he will gain valuable experience which may lead to doors opening toward his original goal ofinternational law. Hale plans to study international business at St. Louis University in 1993.