Inspire, Fall 1993

. . .. ~ .. . . . .... . . " . . ~ ' ' . . ,. ·. . . . .. ' . ~ .. ... ) ·-· . .... ' . the Health Care \ s s u e Navajo Ho~pital A Unique Vacation ark '83 and Bonnie Flint Pinkerton '82 took advantage of a unique opportunity to combine vacati on and medical practice. Mark, currently in hi s third year of residency at Flower Hospi ta l in Toledo, Ohio, joined the stafT of Sage Memorial Hospital in Ganado, Aritona for the month of July as an elective course. Mark's work at Sage Memorial Hospital, one of on ly two private hospitals on the avajo Reservation in Arizona, has given him the opportuni ty to broaden his perspective and experience in the medical field. Bonnie and their four chi ldren were able to join Mark for this working vacation, and they have fallen in love with the people and culture of Ganado. Beth Wyand Learn~ And Serve~ At John~ Hopkin~ A f"ter graduating from the nursing program at edarville College in 1992, Beth Durr Wyand began her nursing career in a fantastic selling-John s Hopk ins University Hosp ital in Baltimore, Maryland. While servi ng on a 30-bed medical floor, Beth is increasing her staff nursing sk ilis and experience. In the Jul y 12, 1993 issue of U.S. Nell's & World Report rating America 's best hosp ital s, Beth is quoted, "Good staffing I at Johns Hopk ins] g ives me the opportunity to know the patients better, to find ou t what's beyond the physical problem." Besi_des her strenuous nursing duties, Beth serves on a nursing research committee and as a preceptor for orienting new nursing graduates. She is currently leading a fellow nurse through the eight-week training and sharing the patient load until the new graduate feels comfortable with the duties. Beth and her husband David '9 1, live in Cockeysvi lle, Maryland. David is comp leting his last year of law school at the University of Maryland. Cro~~culbrral Nur~iny Studie~ Offered At Cedarville S ince its inception, the department of nursing has encouraged interest in missions among both faculty and students. During the past year, the department developed the emphasi. in crosscultural nursing studies. Besides a series of nursing and interdepartmental courses, the emphasis requires a crosscultural nursing internship which can be met through either a departmental or a Missionary Internship Service (MI ) experience. During the summer of 1993, MIS medical teams went to Brazil , Thailand, Alaska, and Bangladesh . Lois Baker, nursing department faculty member since 1984, traveled with a team of four nursing students to Togo, West Africa during February 1993. Their goal at the Carolyn Kempton Memorial Hospital was threefold: to minister to the people of Togo, to minister to the missionaries, and to expose the students to the field of missions nursing. The team was able to provide rest for the missionaries stationed in Togo by being on 24-hour call and serving as operating room technician.. Lois provided in-service training for the African nurses, taught a Bible study, and attended church. With Lois' help, the students continued their studies during their trip. One of the team highlights was watching the Lord provide specia li zed doctors and nurses for critical needs through short– term missions. Lois and the Cedarville College nursing students arrived just in time to care for a young boy named Kakou. Since pediatrics is Lois' specialty, she was able to give critical care to this infant during five surgeries. Kakou's parents and grandparents were so grateful! The team aLo shared a traditional American birthday party for Kakou 's first birthday. The team enjoyed learning the multi -faceted roles of medical personnel and Lois is planning a return trip to Togo next year. A Yi~ionFor Nur~iny r. Irene Alyn, chair of the Cedarville College ursing Department. and the faculty have a vision. The Vision Statement sets forth the purpose of the department and emphasizes devotion to God's service through the ministry of nursing. This message is given out to all nursing students, prospective students, alumni, and friends . Tt is the motivating factor of the department and is at the heart of all that the department plans and executes. Through the 12 years of growth and development. the dedicated, qualified Christian faculty have taught from a Christian perspective in a Christian environment. Lois Baker, nursing professor since 1984, states, "What a joy it is to teach nursing practice incorporated with biblical principles." The program has received the validation from accrediting agencies and local hospitals. Alumni also bring strength to the nursing program with careers in a variety of health care settings across the United States. tudents also enjoy the use of state of the art technology available in the new Engineering/ ursing/ cience enter built in 1992. Please pray with us as we continue to share the vision with future nurses, doctors, and health care officials who will graduate from Cedarville College. Serviny Medical Sbrdenb au I Carlson '65 serves Wright State University medical student~ as associate dean of student affairs and admissions. His emphasis on matching students with the program has aided in program growth and development at the school of medicine since he assumed his position in May 1991. Paul joined the administrative team in 1979 as associate director of student affairs and admissions. He has held a number of administrative positions and ~erves on many committees nationwide. Paul currently is vice chair of the central region for student affairs which includes 32 schools of medicine in the Ohio region. li e also is on the student affairs committee for the Association of American Medical ollcges. Paul's B.A. from Cedarville College is in communications. He abo has M.A . and Ph .D. degrees in educational development and evaluation from The Ohio tate University. Paul states, "It is a delight to assist students as they work through the Medical School at Wright State, especially Cedarville College graduates." Paul has talJ..ed to many edarvillc College alumni about earning a degree in medicine. Dominic McKinley '92 recently began medical studies at Wright State niYersity School of Medicine.