Inspire, Fall 1993

The annual Yellow Jacket Club golf outing took place July 23-24 at the Locust Hills Golf Course near Springfield. Barry Tindall '80 prevailed to win the 9-hole shootout on Friday afternoon . Over 40 golfers took part in the main 18-hole event on Saturday. Kirk Martin and Mark A. Combs '93 carded 75s in the championship flight of the men's event, while Dee Wiseman '83 led the ladies' fl ight with a 104. YoteFo our Representatives 1994 Candidates For the Alumni Council Choose two council members for the 1994-97 term. Please cons ider a balance between decade, gender, and geographi cal location when choos ing your representat ives. Council members serve a four-year term. Article Vof the Cedarville College Alumni Association Constitution states that elections shall be conducted by mail balloting for four-year terms with at least two vacancies being filled in rotation every year. Your suggestions for council members are welcomed throughout the year. Call the Alumni Office at t-800-837-2566 or write us. ~~- Sheny Rotramel Bouquet ' 87 Sherry and her husband John li ve in Ashl and, 0 io, where John is the pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. Her degree in communicati on arts and psychology has enabl ed Sherry to launch a career with R.R. Donnell y and Sons Company in the field of human resources and tota l quality management. Sherry was train ing coordi nator fo r the company before the birth of their son Andre and now serves as a part– time development consultant with Continuous Improvement Technologies. Sherry obtained her master's degree from Mi ami Uni versity in organi zational communi cations in 1988. She has made her services and ex perti se ava il abl e to Cedarville College and communica ti on arts students in a variety of class and chapel settings. Sherry and John enjoy team teaching the young married Sunday schoo l class, directing and acting in skits/dramas, and leading the worshi p team in music and service planning. Anthony Goocey '86 Anthony Goocey earned hi s bachelor of arts degree in nursing in 1986. He currentl y is employed by lnstaCare Famil y Phys icians as a registered staff nurse and ha. been empl oyed with them for seven years. Tony has also begun two businesses since graduati on. Beaver Vall ey Marketing and Real Es tate are challenging fo r the Goocey's. Tony and hi s wife, Sarah Heidorn ' 89, attend Chippewa Evange lical Free Church and li ve in Beaver Fall s, Pennsylvania. Captain Daniel Hicks '78 Dan is an executi ve offi cer to the commandan t at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) at Wri ght Patterson Air Force Base in Day ton, Ohi o. His pos iti on incl udes tra ining other United States Air Force Officers. Dan obtained his master 's degree in logisti cs management from the AFIT in 199 1 and is currently working on a doctorate. Dan's undergraduate degree is in bi ology. Dan and hi s wife, Jeanne Pippin '78 have four children and attend Patterson Park Chu rch. Dan maintains many ti es with Cedarville, incl uding performances with the college orches tra, serving on an alumn i career panel, and arranging campus visi ts for potenti al students. ...-:.. . -- .. ..,.,..··.· -~ r · ·~ ., ·~···· .i . f t .. ~ · t . f Eileen Friesen Unger '88 Eileen and her husband, Jim '86 recently moved to Cherry Hill , New Jersey to serve at Bethel Bapti st Church in the area of music. Eil een is a homemaker, mother of one, and flute instructor and Ji m is the mini ster of music at Bethel. Eil een enjoys caring fo r Kandin , I 1/2, parti cipating in the women's Bible study, and edi ti ng the chu rch news letter. Eileen was previously employed in the edarv ill e Co ll ege Admiss ions Office as office manager. Salute to Summer, an annual conference for teens and their sponsors, drew 250 participants to the campus July 8-1 0. Pastor John Street '76 presented messages on this year's theme, Parent!feen Relationships. Salute to Summer also includes a day at Kings Island. Among the many alumni bringing their teen groups to this challenging and fun-filled weekend was Shawn Huck '84, pastor of youth ministries at Maranatha Baptist Church in Columbus. Next year, Salute to Summer wil l be held July 7-9 . Proposed chante wUI require a member of the Ceda"ille Collett Alumni Association to have attended Ceda"llle Collete for two years or more. Article IV - Membership-to be read as follows: Membership in the association shall include those who graduated or received certification from or attended Cedarville College at least two years since its opening in 1894 or Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland, Ohio prior to 1954. Those who have been awarded honorary degrees or alumnus status shall also be members of the association. Article V- Government and Article X - Amendments Proposed changes will allow the council to determine the proper balloting method which may include mail, telephone, fax, or computer response. Article V- Government-to be read as follows: A. Elections - shall be conducted by a proper balloting method, as established by the Alumni Council... Article X- Amendments to be read as follows: Amendments to this constitution or adoption of a new constitution may be enacted by amajority response to a proper balloting method, as established by the Alumni Council. r-------------- __ 1994 Alumni Council and Constitutional Re•ision Ballot Please vote for two alumni council members by checking the box n xt to his or her name. If there is more than one alumnus/a in your household, please use the second set of boxes for the additional votes. Please mail this card (with your reservation for Homecoming 1993) to: Alumni Office P.O. Bo 601 Cedarville, OH 45314 The results will be tallied and announced at Homecoming and in the next issue. of the Inspire. For Council Member (vote for two) She1Ty Rotramel Bouquet '87 Dan Hicks '78 Eileen Friesen Unger '88 nthony Gooccy '86 Constitutional Revisions I concur with the above revisions. I do not concur with the above revisions. L~---------------------- 3 FALL '93