Inspire, Fall 1993

I I • • • In the 1992-93 fiscal year, 2,639 alumni gave $242,412 for various Cedarville College programs. Over half of that total was given toward the Annual Fund. Thirty-six percent of the Alumni Association supported the Annual Fund. That is well above the national average of 24.2%. Way to go, Alumni Association! Fellow Harrimanites and their families gathered for a day of fun and feasting on July 5. Ben Smith '86 planned the mini-reunion for those men who shared the experience of having lived in Harriman Hall. Twelve adults and seven children enjoyed a day of reminiscing about Cedarville College. Cedarville Colleye Sports Schedules 1993-94 Women•s Volleyball Women•s Basketball September 7 Notre Dame 7:00 November 12 Olivet Nazarene University 7:00 8 Walsh 7:00 13 Trinity Christian College 2:00 10-1 1 CEDARVILLE INVITATIONAL 4:00/9:00 16 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE 7:00 14 Shawnee State 7:00 19-20 Huntington College Tournament 6:00/8:00 16 Tiffin 7:00 Taylor, St. Francis, Huntington I:00/3:00 18 URBANA, INDIANA WESLEYAN 12:00 23 UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY 5:00 21 Mt. Vernon 7:00 30 COLLEGE OF MOUNT ST. JOSEPH 7:00 23 OHIO DOMINICAN 6:00 December 3-4 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE INVITATIONAL 6:00/8:00 24-25 Ohio Wesleyan Invitational 5:00/9:00 MALONE, GENEVA, GRACE I:00/3:00 28 RIO GRANDE 7:00 7 Bluffton College 5:30 30 DENISON, CENTRAL STATE 7:00 January 4 University of Rio Grande 7:00 October 6 Mt. St. Joseph 7:00 6 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY 4:30 9 SHAWNEE STATE. WALSH 11:00 8 Urbana University 2:00 12 TIFFIN 7:00 II Shawnee State University 5:00 14 Wittenberg 6:30 13 WILMINGTON COLLEGE 7:00 16 MALONE, GRACE, ST. FRANCIS 11:00 15 WALSH UNIVERSITY 2:00 19 Urbana 7:00 18 Tiffin University 7:00 22-23 NCCAA DISTRICT TOURNAMENT TBA 22 UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE 2:00 26 MT. VERNON 7:00 25 OHIO DOMINICAN COLLEGE 7:00 28 Ohio Dominican 7:00 29 Mt. Vernon Nazarene 2:00 30 Thomas More Invitational 9:00 February I URBANA UNIVERSITY 7:00 November 2 Rio Grande 7:00 3 Ohio Dominican University 7:00 4-6 NCCAA Nationals TBA 5 SIIAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY 5:00 9 FINDLAY 7:00 8 Walsh University 7:00 12-13 NAIA Districts TBA 10 MOUNT VERNON NAZARENE COLLEGE 7:00 Men•s Soccer 12 TIFFIN UNIVERSITY 2:00 September 8 Denison University 4:30 IS, 17, 19 NCCAA District Ill Playoffs II Mt. Vernon Na1arene 2:00 24,26 & NAIA District 22 Playoffs 14 OTTERBEIN COLLEGE 3:30 March 2 16 Huntington College 3:00 EST Men•s Basketball 18 ASBURY COLLEGE 2:00 21 Bluffton College 4:00 2S WALSH UNIVERSITY 2:00 29 ASHLAND UNIVERSITY 3:30 October 2 University of Findlay 1:00 5 Shawnee State University 4:00 9 TIFFIN UNIVERSITY 2:00 12 WILMINGTON COLLEGE 3:30 16 BRYAN COLLEGE (HOMECOMING) 3:00 19 UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE 3:30 23 Malone College 2:00 27 WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY 3:00 30 Cross Country Ohio Dominican College 2:00 September 4 Bellarmine In vitational 12:00 ESTW 18 Midwest Collegiate, Kenosha, WI 12:45 EST M 25 Friend&hip Invitational, IO:OOW John Bryan State Park 10:40M October 8 Ohio Intercollegiate, Delaware, OH 2:00 M 2:45 W IS Wilmington Invitational, Wilmington, OH 5:30W6:15 M 23 Gettysburg Invitational, Gettysburg, PA II:OOW 12:00M November 6 NAIA District 22, Malone College, Canton, OH IO: ISW II:OOM 13 NCCAA Nationals, Roherts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY I0:00 W I I:00 M 20 NAIA Nationals, Kenosha, Wl 10:00 W 11:00 M Reyional Gatheriny Update 8 FALL '93 Reunions happen everywhere! This picture of Cedarville alumni attending Ruthie Fareno's wedding was taken in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Grey Towers Castle on July 17, 1993. Pictured left to right is Robin Strope Coules '83 and her husband John '83, Richard and Irene Farley Greco '83, John '84 and Deanna Palmer Jackson '83, and Jane Adams Smith '84 with her husband Ben Smith '86. Boston alumni gathered in Manchester by the Sea for a day of fun on the beach and delicious desserts. Angela Cooke '84 hosted the gathering in an elegant 17th century home with a wonderful dessert buffet provided by the Cedarville College Alumni Association . Beth Terrill '91 , Wendy Bell '88, Jane Adams Smith '84, and Angela Cooke '84 are pictured here on the beach. Look For These Area Gatherings September 11 September 25 October 15- 16 New York City Botanical Gardens Wes t Coast/L.A. Area Gathering Homecoming 1993 November 13 ATHLETES IN ACTION (exhibition) 16 Concordia College 19-20 CEDARVILLE INVITATIONAL Graccland, Wilberforce, Wilfrid Laurier 23 UNIVERSITY OF MICI!IGAN-DEARBORN 26 University of Waterloo, Canada 27 Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada December 3-4 Tran~ylvania University Tournament 7 ASHLAND UNIVERSITY II Asbury College 13 Wilberforce University 17 Clarion University 3 1 ATHLETES IN ACTION January 6 Ashland University 8 URBANA UNIVERSITY II Shawnee Stale University 15 Walsh University 18 TIFFIN UNIVERSITY 22 University of Rio Grande 25 Ohio Dominican University 29 MOUNT VERNON NAZARENE COLLEGE February I Urbana University 3 Mount Vernon Nuarene College CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES TEAM SCHEDULES Spring Break 1994, March 12-20 Swordbearers - Cl eveland , Ohio area Lifeline Players- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area Kingsmen Quartet - Washington, D.C. area Masters Puppets - Buffalo, New York area Symphonic Band - Chicago, Illinoi s area 7:30 7:30 6:00/8:00 7:30 8:00 4:00 6:30/8:30 7:30 3:00 7:30 7:30 6:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 8:00 Summer 1994, .June 10-August 29 Abundant Life - Michi gan Swordbearers- Midwest States- Illinoi s, Indiana, Mi ssou ri Kingsmen Quartet - California and Southwestern States Masters Puppets - Washington state area If you are interested in hosting a Cedarville Gathering in conjunction with a concert, pl ease call the Alumni Office at 1-800-837-2566. Watch the Inspire for location information. To arrange a Chri stian Mini stries Team to perform for your congregation , contact Cheryl Miller at 513-766-7882.