Inspire, Fall 2000

The Wilcox Family Kris ’85 and Judy Wilcox have made home schooling their career. Not only do they teach their own children, but they also own a home-school supply company—The Book Peddler. They have been in the business for seven years and travel to 15-20 state home-school conventions selling books and curriculum. The Book Peddler services home schoolers across the nation as well as overseas. For more information, visit their Web site at . The Price Family The Price children are accustomed to learning outside the classroom. In fact, the flexibility afforded through home schooling is one of the primary reasons Mark '85 and Linda Ford Price '83 decided to personally educate their children. Vacations, business trips, museums, parks, trips to the store, and even fishing adventures are all viewed as learning opportunities in the Price household.