Inspire, Fall 2000

4 Fall 2000 What’s Abuz z z z z z z z z President’s Pen H omecoming 2000! Our first one in the new century and our first as Cedarville University. It’s reunion time at the ’Ville. Mrs. D and I love it! It is so special for us to see thousands of you return. Five years, 10 years, 25, 50, and everything in between is just great. Don’t you love all the babies? And kids of all ages? The crying in alumni chapel is a joy to my ears. They are the future students and alumni of Cedarville. Our enrollment stability is secure. You will be excited about the new Student Life Center. It houses a bigger and better Chuck’s! Recently an older alum told me about the student who went to get orange punch out of the dispenser only to see a big green frog staring her in the eyeballs. Of course, all of that was before Chuck and before Dixon. Those were the good old Jeremiah days! Grads who have toured the new facility are so impressed. You won’t believe the new theater with the hydraulic orchestra pit. I know it will never replace your memories of Alford, but I think you will like it. What are your memories of the parade? Some of you don’t have any because you were sleeping in the dorm and missed it every year. I enjoy the root beer floats off the truck bed. The homecoming queen and court in the convertibles are always lovely. Have we ever had bad weather? Sometimes it is cool, but it’s usually crisp and sunny. I can remember only one parade that was canceled for rain. I understand that the soccer teams like to play in the mud anyway. Please join us. The old guard will be hanging around— Dr. Johnson, Mr. St. Clair, Dr. Green (P.G.), Dean Rickard, Dr. Gromacki, Mr. Spencer, Miss Fisher, etc. Can’t wait to see you! You’ll find that we may have a “New Face” but we’re still the “Same Place”! Paul Dixon ’94H President Cedarville College Chancellor With the Lord Dr. James T. Jeremiah, chancellor of Cedarville College, died August 7, 2000. He was 86. Jeremiah served as chancellor since 1978 and as president of the College from 1953 to 1978. Dr. Paul Dixon, president of Cedarville University, said, “One of God’s choice servants, James T. Jeremiah, has completed his earthly journey. God used him throughout the nation and around the world as he faithfully preached the Bible in local churches and on Christian radio. “Dr. Jeremiah was ‘Mr. Cedarville’ for more than 47 years. He provided the vision and energy to transform a struggling college into an institution of higher learning that attracts some of the brightest and most committed Christian young people in America. Our thousands of alumni salute him for the impact he has had on their lives. James T. Jeremiah was my loyal and faithful supporter. I loved him like a father. One of my dearest friends has gone home to be with our Lord. Please pray for his wife, Ethel, and the entire Jeremiah family.” In addition to his administrative leadership roles at Cedarville, Dr. Jeremiah was a preacher, author, and radio personality. He pastored churches in New York and Ohio and was the author of several books, including The Place Called Heaven and The Importance of Inspiration , both published by Regular Baptist Press. He hosted several radio programs, including “The Senior Advantage”, broadcast nationwide over the CDR Radio Network and more than two dozen independent stations. The funeral was held in the Dixon Ministry Center on August 15 and was broadcast live over the CDR Radio Network. The family has requested that donations honoring Dr. Jeremiah be made to the Jeremiah Scholarship fund at Cedarville University. James Jeremiah ’70, Dr. David Jeremiah ’63, Dr. Maryalyce Jeremiah ’65, and Lois Anne Jeremiah Mills ’60 returned to Cedarville for their father’s memorial service