Inspire, Fall 2001

Con?ents Fall 2001 Volume 12 Issue 1 Features 12 A Cure for the Summertime Blues Whatis it aboutsummer camp thatappeals to so manyyoung people and changes so many hearts? Camp leaders explain the success ofthese summer ministries. 17 Sharing Her Journey Courtenay ShoaffAtwell'98 never expected God to work in the way thatHe has. Readon to see how a terrible accident on a summer missions trip extended her ministry andawakened the love ofa Sections 2 Afterthoughts 3 From the Director's Chair 4 What's Abuzz 9 Heritage Corner 10 The Big Picture 17 Alumni Profiles 22 Alumnotes 27 Alumni Events 28 Homecoming Schedule Cedarville University Alumni Association 251 N.Main Street Cedarville, Ohio 45314 On the cover: Rev. Lynn Rogers'54,executive director of Camp Patmos, Kelleys Island, Ohio