Inspire, Fall 2006

Inspire 19 Maybe you feel like that when you paint, or work with wood, or cook a meal, or design a Web site, or make a scrapbook, or knit a scarf, or stitch up a wound, or take photos, or teach children, or decorate a cake, or counsel a troubled teenager. God is writing His -story. Each of us is part of that story. And we’re all wired with a desire to express our story in some fashion. That’s why blogging is so big right now. Writing about yourself validates your life experiences. It can even help bring meaning to life’s trials. Example: my car broke down, my dog died, I got yelled at by my boss, and my child just threw up, but that’s OK! At least I’ll have something to blog about in the morning! I recently “met” a whole passel of Cedarville grads via xanga, and these gals have truly enriched my life in such a short time. We’ve all come to the realization that others are most encouraged when we share our weaknesses , rather than our strengths . (In my case, messing up is my strength!) No matter who you are, you have a story to share. And God has someone out there who needs to hear it. Be transparent. Be real. Be a blessing. I’ve found my niche as a writer in sharing with other young women “You’re not alone!” I write from where I’m at, where I’ve been, and where I hope to go, pleading with the Holy Spirit to connect me with other broken young women who might “stumble” across my books. And just like the apostle Paul, I’m all about boasting in my weaknesses. I figure as long as I keep screwing up, I’ll have something to write about. And if I’m lucky, someone will offer to pay me to do it. The stories of how my writing has comforted, encouraged, and convicted hearts = humbling, gratifying, priceless. But it only works when it’s not all about me. Less me, more God = a good, good thing. Just like the apostle John says so succinctly , “He must become greater; I must become less” (3:30). When it comes to my writing (and my life), less of me is more. Would you look at that — just 967 words! Marla is the author of From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife (Harvest House Publishers, 2006) and Is That All He Thinks About? (Harvest House Publishers, January 1, 2007). She resides in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Gabe, and daughters, Olivia (5), Ava (4), and Nina (8 months). Marla may be reached at And just like the apostle Paul, I’m all about boasting in my weaknesses. I figure as long as I keep screwing up, I’ll have something to write about. And if I’m lucky, someone will offer to pay me to do it.