Inspire, Fall 2006

What’s in a Name? Send us a name . Better yet, send us at least three names, and we’ll send you a Cedarville T-shirt . A name represents God-given potential and wide-open possibilities. A name is a unique person who will become a leader, an influencer, a professional, a friend. A name is a potential Cedarville student – someone we will, by God’s grace, equip for lifelong leadership and service. Next Steps Do you know a student who would benefit from the Cedarville experience? With worries over the economy and the rising competition in the job market, Cedarville University students are constantly pressured with the thought of “What will I do after the ’Ville? Do I pursue a career? Do I go on to graduate studies? How do I get my foot in the door?” Our goal in the career services office is to assist students in not only determining what job they will have, but also what life ministry God has designed for them. One of the key ways we help students see these opportunities is by holding Career Link Days. In 2006-2007, we will be hosting nine different Career Link events, covering all the various majors on campus. On average, 250 companies and graduate schools visit us through Career Links each year, and close to a third of our students benefit from these visits. The greatest connection for our students is when they are able to meet and chat with alumni who are now working in major firms and companies around the United States. These students do dream big. They want to work around the nation and around the world in every capacity imaginable. Think of the impact they will have on our world as they join you in a variety of workplaces! If you and your company would like to be a part of our Career Link Days, please contact the career services office at 937-766-7868 or . Also, check out the Career Link Events at . Career Link Days: For Students who Dream of the Outside World • Go to to complete a quick and easy online form. • Enter the names of three or more high school students. • Wait for your T-shirt to arrive in the mail. • Pray that God will use your influence to equip a student to make a difference for Christ. October 26, 2006 Seminary November 16, 2006 Graduate School November 17, 2006 Social Sciences February 8, 2007 Christian Camp Recruitment February 15, 2007 Health Care February 18-19, 2007 Christian School Recruitment Conference February 22, 2007 Mini-Engineering Career Link Career Services 1-888-562-4811 Career Link Days