Inspire, Fall/Winter 2008

10 fall/winter 2008 Houston, We Have Just try telling Stacie (Bennett) Cox ’00 you can’t dream big. If anything, the Texas resident believes in dreaming on a cosmic level. It started before she even graduated from Cedarville, when she went after her ideal job — and got it. Stacie currently holds the title of project manager for avionics sustaining engineering in her organization at NASA. And she is proving to others — and herself — just what people can accomplish when they put their minds to it. The electrical engineering major always wanted to work with the space program, considering it her end goal as far as a job was concerned. Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect. “I got wind during my senior year that NASA was lifting its current hiring freeze,” she said. “Career services sent an e-mail to engineering majors asking if anyone wanted their resume sent. I also submitted one through a friend whose dad worked there. So my resume made its way to two different organizational branches.” It wasn’t long before Stacie received two phone calls that led to an interview. She flew down in May of 2000 to meet with the Electronic Design and Development Branch in the Avionic Systems Division. But when she talked to the supervisor, she learned that, unfortunately, he had not yet received the authority to hire for by Sharyn Kopf