Inspire, Fall/Winter 2009

a lumnotes CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY 29 If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. 1960s Stuart Chaffe ’60 had the privilege of flying on an Honor Flight with 40 other World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., on August 16, 2008. These flights honor veterans by enabling them to visit the World War II Memorial on an expense-paid trip. Many of Stuart’s family members are alumni of Cedarville, and he has great hopes that his four grandsons will follow in their footsteps. 1970s Alice (Miller) McGhee ’70 announces her new book Peace in the Midst of Pain: A Biblical Perspective on Pain and Suffering. This collection of meditations tries to demystify the question “Where is God when it hurts?” Nancy Abels ’79 celebrated 30 years of service at Shepherds Ministries in Union Grove, Wisconsin, on September 5, 2009. She serves as a case manager. 1980s John Balaicuis ’82 finished his formal medical training in psychiatry and sleep medicine in 2007. For the past two years, he has been writing on various topics and consulting independently in research and education. Jennifer (Raught) Brock ’83 is a part-time adjunct professor of English at the Penn State Worthington Scranton campus. She also works as a part-time public relations consultant for Abington Christian Academy. Jenny and her husband, David, have four children, Olivia (16), Samuel (14), Eden (12), and Grace (9). They live in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. David Lindner ’84 received his master’s degree from Auburn University in May 2009. He continues his critical care and pulmonary medicine practice in Naples, Florida, where he is medical director of both Collier County Hospital Systems and his private practice. David and his wife, Laura (McElroy) ’85 , are the parents of two homeschooled children, Kiera (11) and Ethan (8). Doug Iverson ’87 and his wife, Cheryl, announce the adoption of Jonathan Hudson Le from China. He was welcomed into their family in February 2008, joining twin sisters Emma and Laura in Wisconsin. chapter focus — thank you, michelle! “The alumni chapter program has begun to branch out to include prospective students and their families. Many students choose to attend Cedarville when they see what it means to be part of this family. Thanks to Michelle’s leadership, Cedarville has strengthened relationships with alumni, present and future!” — Jeff Beste ’87, Director of Alumni Relations “Every detail of every chapter event was intricately planned and every possible scenario anticipated. But what makes Michelle’s skills so effective are her Christlike humility and attitude of service.” — Dr. Bill Brown, President of Cedarville University “As chapter leader, I found working with Michelle an absolute joy. Not only was she there to provide whatever resources we needed to pull off a successful chapter event, but she also did it with contagious enthusiasm. Her commitment to supporting our chapter and serving the Lord in a fairly behind- the-scenes role was very obvious. Our team will greatly miss her. Blessings to you, Michelle, as you begin serving in a new role with a future alumnus!” — Curtis Hoke ’83, Leadership Team, South Central Pennsylvania Chapter Congratulations to Michelle (Rigel) McCune ’04 as she transitions into a new position with outstanding benefits: motherhood! She and her husband, Adam ’02, welcomed Tinsley William into their family on October 27. Michelle has been the force behind tremendous growth in the alumni chapter program. In her five years as assistant director of alumni relations, she orchestrated the launch of 16 chapters, bringing the total to 23 across the United States. Thank you, Michelle, for your dedicated work in serving alumni! Seattle Spokane San Francisco LosAngeles SanDiego LasVegas Reno Provo Pocatello Billings Missoula Butte Casper FortCollins Pueblo Lubbock FortWorth Dallas Houston SanAntonio Amarillo KansasCity Minneapolis Cedar Rapids St Louis Springfield Memphis NewOrleans Jacksonville Savannah Orlando Miami Tampa Charleston Greenville Knoxville Macon Charlotte Evansville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Dayton Peoria FortWayne Milwaukee Toledo GrandRapids Detroit Chicago GreenBay Cleveland Baltimore WashingtonD.C. Pittsburgh New York Philadelphia Buffalo Syracuse Montpelier Augusta Concord Albany Trenton Harrisburg Dover Charleston Frankfort JeffersonCity Santa Fe Cheyenne Bismarck Pierre Helena CarsonCity Boston Providence Hartford Richmond Columbia Raleigh Atlanta Montgomery Tallahassee Jackson Nashville Indianapolis Columbus Lansing Madison Springfield St Paul DesMoines Lincoln Little Rock OklahomaCity Baton Rouge Austin Denver Boise Salt LakeCity Salem Sacramento Phoenix