Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

This fall marked 28 years since this green freshman from southern Indiana showed up on campus excited to become an engineer! I didn’t know what an engineer did, and at that time, Cedarville College only had a two-year pre- engineering program. After those first two years, I changed my major to mathematics, and the rest, as they say, is history. I have come a long way since then — and so has Cedarville’s engineering program! In fall of 1982, I started with just a handful of classmates. Since then, the engineering and computer science department has become the largest on campus. And thanks to experienced leadership and vision, the program has earned a national reputation for excellence. In the freshman class, when one in four men declares an engineering major, you’ve got a significant population of students influencing the campus culture. In its 18th year, the cardboard canoe race has become one of the most popular events of homecoming weekend. Engineering freshmen must build canoes out of cardboard and tape and sail them across Cedar Lake. Spectators rally behind the teams in the sinking ships, so professors make the guidelines a little tougher every year to guarantee a fun, crowd-pleasing event. It was exciting to see the entire campus engaged in this year’s homecoming festivities, from students and faculty to the event planners, grounds crews, and catering staff. Jeff Woodcock ’72, Dan Barfell ’85, Karla Herdzik ’05, and DeMaurice (De) Smith ’85, alumnus of the year, were featured chapel speakers during Alumni Week. You can hear their messages at . Leading music were Colby ’08 and Brittany (Beals) Taylor ’09 on Tuesday; Andrew Sweigard ’07, John Silfies ’07, and their band, Hours Before Morning, on Wednesday; and Isaac Pittman ’06 on Thursday. Many alumni joined us for Friday’s Homecoming Chapel when we honored Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dixon for their recent 50th wedding anniversary. Dr. Dixon has provided more than 30 years of leadership to the University as president and chancellor. When visitors come to our campus, they see the product of his vision for a world-class education grounded in biblical truth — an education with “quality stamped all over it.” From my days as a pre-engineering student to my work as director of alumni relations, God has been directing my steps and using Cedarville to refine my life. Even now, God is directing the steps of today’s freshman students as they begin their education at Cedarville. It is exciting to think how God may use them like He is using Nick Awabdy ’94 (page 22), Debbie Pittman ’99 (page 14), and Chris Zitzmann ’05 (page 19), alumni who are bringing help and hope to the world. As De Smith said in chapel, your journey begins when you take a step of faith. This is true whether you are the executive director of the NFL Players Association, a wind engineer with GE, a first-semester freshman, or someone reading this Inspire . In all your ways acknowledge Christ, and He will direct your paths. Jeff Beste ’87 Director of Alumni Relations “From my days as a pre-engineering student to my work as director of alumni relations, God has been directing my steps and using Cedarville to refine my life.” 28 fall/winter 2010 di rector ’s cha i r