Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. 1960s Classmates from ’64 and friends meet annually for a weekend in the spring to share and encourage each other. Shipshewana, Indiana, is becoming a favorite spot to retreat. 1970s Charles Williams ’72 returned from his second summer short-term missions trip to Mongolia, where he built relationships with young people through basketball and volleyball camps. Several campers accepted Christ. Charles is married to Donna (Bingham) ’73 . Bob Gillespie ’77 represents Answers in Genesis, an apologetics ministry dedicated to defending creation and founded by Ken Ham. After eight years of teaching at Christian international schools in Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, and Niger, Bob now speaks on behalf of the organization at conferences and other venues. chapter focus — atlanta “For it’s root, root, root for the home team!” Mark McDaniel ’05 and Brittany (Smith) Napier ’00, alumni council member, greeted Cedarville alumni in Atlanta, Georgia, for a Gwinnett Braves doubleheader. The crew didn’t let the rain dampen their spirits as their team tallied a win and a loss against the Durham Bulls. To view photos from the game, visit and click the link under “Previous Event Photos.” Well-attended alumni events in Atlanta led to the formation of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter in 2008. Under Brittany’s leadership and great alumni involvement, the chapter has facilitated opportunities for generations of alumni to get acquainted, network, and even connect with area churches. “It’s exciting to reconnect with local alumni,” said Brittany. “People are often surprised by how many other Cedarville graduates live nearby. These events help rekindle memories and remind everyone that our shared Cedarville experience connects us for more than just the few years on campus.” Learn more about alumni chapters and find one in your area! Visit . If you would like to help organize a chapter or plan an event, contact Mark, coordinator for regional events and services, at . C e d a r v i l l e U n i v e r s i t y a l u m n i a s s o c i a t i o n Cedarville University 29 a lumnotes