Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

Heath ’00 and Erin (Stuenzi) Runkles ’99 announce the adoption of Tabitha Xinfang on October 26, 2009. She was born in Baoji, China, on May 10, 2007. Her big brothers, Ethan and Jesse, are excited to have a little sister and enjoyed the trip to China to welcome her to the family. Erin Tuinstra ’00 and Jason Lawyer were married on June 19, 2010, in Mattawan, Michigan. The couple now resides near Mooresville, Indiana. Ben Keener ’01 and his wife, Emily, announce the birth of James Andrew on December 29, 2009. Ben is a clinical psychologist, and Emily enjoys taking a break from teaching to care for James. They live in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Erin (Lee) Medley ’01 and her husband, Joel, announce the birth of Campbell Elyse on March 6, 2010. She was welcomed home by her brother, Brandt (2). Erin enjoys staying home with the kids, and Joel is a consultant with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Lori (Turner) Pavelka ’01 and her husband, Ondra, announce the birth of Olivia Hope on May 1, 2010. After living in the Czech Republic since their marriage in December 2006, they are now living in the States. Tim Sutton ’01 and his wife, Melissa, announce the birth of Logan on January 3, 2010. They reside in Hawaii, where Tim is stationed at Hickam Air Force Base. Melissa taught elementary school for three years and now enjoys staying home with Logan. If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. Exercising Her Faith Melissa (Turnick) Harris ’02 has fused her athletic training career with her desire to reach others for Christ. She serves as a fitness manager at Southeast Christian Church, a large assembly in Louisville, Kentucky. The church offers sports and fitness programs to connect people with each other and, ultimately, with Jesus Christ. Shortly after she joined the church staff, Melissa was invited to help lead a fitness camp in Poland through PROeM, a nonprofit Christian ministry in Warsaw. The organization combines biblical teaching with sports and recreation to promote fitness and spiritual growth. Since 2007, Melissa has led four fitness camp teams to Poland, offering classes and workshops; providing fitness testing and special speakers; and taking campers bike riding, rock climbing, and swimming. The activities give the team opportunities to invest in lives on physical and spiritual levels. “I am blown away by the relationships that have been built in just three short years,” Melissa said. “Some of the ladies have not missed a camp since it began. It is the only time many of them have an opportunity to be encouraged in their faith and be surrounded by other believers.” In October 2009, Melissa married Mike Harris, who shares her passion for fitness. Together they are starting a sports conditioning and training business to reach inner-city children. Besides teaching valuable life lessons, the couple wants to give children hope for their future and open doors to college. “I wouldn’t trade these years of ministry for anything,” Melissa said. “God is always faithful, and He tells us in 2 Corinthians that when we are weak, He is strong. I have rested on this verse many times!” You may contact Melissa at alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight Cedarville University 33 a lumnotes