Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

Steve McClure ’03 and his wife, Kathy, announce the birth of Caleb Michael on December 17, 2009. Steve is a digital engineer for General Dynamics, and Kathy is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Kelly (Schriemer) Bagley ’04 and her husband, Rick, announce the birth of Evelyn Kate. She was born on March 27, 2010. Stephanie (Taylor) Monroe ’04 and her husband, Chad, announce the birth of Mya Elizabeth on December 30, 2009. They are currently living in Ft. Drum, New York, where Chad is commanding an aviation troop in 6-6 CAV/10th mountain division. Stephanie enjoys staying at home with Mya and their other daughter, Addison. Gillian (Mocas) Nance ’04 and her husband, Bill, announce the birth of Isaac Coleman on July 23, 2010. He was welcomed home by his siblings, Marissa (3) and Isaiah (2). Jon ’04 and Rachael (Castro) Oren ’05 welcomed their son, Mekonen Jack, home from Ethiopia on August 30, 2009. He was born on December 28, 2008. They live in Indianapolis, Indiana, where Jon is in social work as a housing case manager. Rachael is close to completion of a Master of Education degree from Cedarville and enjoys being a stay-at-home mom. Eric ’04 and Sarah (Sanders) Schroeder ’04 announce the birth of Joshua Ethan on February 11, 2010. They reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where they both work for Heritage Christian Schools. Nathanael Dewhurst ’05 and Andrea Barnett ’06 were married on April 24, 2010, in Schenectady, New York. They live near Boston, Massachusetts. Rachel (Johnson) Doyle ’05 and her husband, Benjamin, announce the birth of Eli Benjamin on August 23, 2009. They reside in Norfolk, Virginia, where Rachel works part time as a pediatric oncology nurse. Stuart II ’05 and Hannah (Ballou) Sheldon ’04 announce the birth of Robert William on June 18, 2010. He joined brother Stuart III (1) near Rosewood, Ohio. While Hannah is enjoying life as a stay-at home mom, Stuart II is a design engineer for KTH Parts Industries and works with Honda to design new vehicles. If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. Cedarville University 35 a lumnotes