Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. Alumnus of the Year DeMaurice Smith ’85 Since 2009, DeMaurice (De) Smith has been serving as the executive director of the NFL Players Association, having been unanimously elected by a board of active player representatives. The Players Association represents all NFL players, both past and present, giving De a unique opportunity to display his faith and testimony on the national and international stage. While studying political science at Cedarville, De was a four-year member of the varsity track and field team, earning recognition as an NCCAA All-American. After graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law, he held prestigious positions as a federal prosecutor and then a trial lawyer. In 2010, he was selected for the Hall of Excellence by the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges. At the induction, he said, “Cedarville College turned a kid who really didn’t want to go to Cedarville College into not only a believer, but a believer in everything the college stands for.” De lives in Bethesda, Maryland, with his wife, Karen, and their two children, Elizabeth and Alex. Young Alumnus of the Year Brandon Colas ’06 God calls us to the front lines of the battle, and for some, the command is literal. Captain Brandon Colas (U.S. Army) is one of more than 250 Cedarville alumni who serve the Lord and our country in the United States military. After suffering an injury during his first tour in Iraq, he returned, spending much of his time “outside of the wire,” driving and sometimes flying around western Baghdad. “In a sentence, Brandon epitomizes the Christian soldier,” said the graduate who nominated Brandon. “He lives out his faith in a real and true manner.” While studying English and history at Cedarville, Brandon was involved as a writing center tutor and an ROTC Cadet Battalion Commander. “I can think of no better preparation for being in the Army than being at Cedarville,” he said. “The critical thinking skills I learned and developed … have been vital to my work in various Army positions.” Since his commission into the Army, Brandon has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Expert Infantryman’s Badge, and the Parachutist Badge. He and his wife, Bethany (Deidel) ’08, live in Arizona where Brandon will soon enter the Captain’s Career Course at Fort Huachuca. Alumni Impact Award Mark Fisher ’84 As a teenager, Mark Fisher learned how powerful camp experiences can be. During college, he recognized his desire to influence others through camp programs. He now serves as the president and head innovation coach of Sandy Cove Ministries, a Christian conference and retreat center in Maryland. “Mark loves to glorify God in all that he does, and he has a huge heart for his family, friends, and work,” observed a recent Cedarville graduate who nominated Mark for this award. “As a staff member, I can personally attest to the fact that his leadership and teaching has changed my life, the lives of my co-workers, and the lives of countless men, women, and children who come to Sandy Cove,” added another. Mark resides in Elkton, Maryland, with his wife, Lori, and their five children. Alumni Impact Award Karla Herdzik ’05 Ministry can take many forms, as political science and criminal justice graduate Karla Herdzik has learned. She currently serves as an intelligence analyst with the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command. She accepted the position after spending four years as a terrorism analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). While at the DIA, Karla deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan and served on a rotation with the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. “My ministry isn’t what you’d traditionally expect, but I’ve learned to make a difference when and where I can,” Karla said. A top student during her college years, she has maintained her ties with her alma mater by serving as a helpful resource to students desiring to work in government and by returning to speak in Dr. Frank Jenista’s classes. Karla has been awarded the Joint Civilian Service Achievement Award for her work in Iraq and the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Medal for her work in Afghanistan. Now, she’s working on a master’s degree at the American Military University. Her husband, Noel, is a veteran of the Marines. The couple lives in Alexandria, Virginia. Honorary Alumnus Award Duane Wood A member of the Cedarville family for nearly 25 years, Duane Wood has played a vital role in the growth of the academic division. Through his skilled leadership as academic vice president, Cedarville has positioned itself as a leader in Christian higher education, establishing world-class programs in many fields. Duane is now in his sixth year as executive director of program development, a role in which he led the development of the new school of pharmacy and the new industrial and innovative design program. He also serves as professor of management. Over the course of his career, Duane has conducted management training and development sessions and served as a consultant to businesses and nonprofit organizations. He has been involved in volunteer service with many different organizations and ministries and is currently on the board of trustees of both Jerusalem University College and the Kettering College of Medical Arts. Duane’s wife, Sherrie, serves as an administrative assistant in campus recreation and facilities. Duane and Sherrie live in Beavercreek, Ohio, and have three children and six grandchildren. Distinguished Service Award Joanna Stevens Joanna Stevens was a longtime friend of Cedarville. She and her husband, Trustee Al Stevens, have provided numerous scholarships for students, as well as generous contributions toward building projects, including the Stevens Student Center. In 1995, Cedarville named them as honorary alumni. For 30 years, Joanna worked alongside her husband at Opex Corporation, serving as the head of human resources and accounting. She was a member of The Gideons International and hosted many church functions for Sunday school, youth groups, and deacons. Joanna was mother to two sons, Mark ’81 and David ’83, and grandmother to six. Joanna’s love for and dedication to Cedarville has had a profound influence on thousands of students who have come to this campus, though they may never have met her personally. Joanna passed away in January 2010. Her husband, Al, accepted the Distinguished Service Award on her behalf. 2010 Alumni Award Winners Back row, left to right: Mark Fisher ’84, Brandon Colas ’06, Karla Herdzik ’05, and Duane Wood Front row: DeMaurice Smith ’85 and Al Stevens Cedarville University 37 a lumnotes