Inspire, Fall/Winter 2010

If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. Alum Appointed to Prestigious Government Position The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that Matt Martens ’93 has been named Chief Litigation Counsel of the Division of Enforcement. In this position, he will supervise the SEC’s trial unit, which consists of approximately 35 attorneys. The unit prosecutes cases brought by the SEC against people and companies who violate securities laws. According to Matt, the financial crisis of recent years has brought increased attention to the SEC and increased scrutiny of its trial unit. He realizes the public expects people who have violated the securities laws and played a part in the recession to be held accountable. “That’s a great deal of responsibility on my unit and, as a result, on me,” said Matt. “At the same time, it’s exciting to know that your work matters — that it makes a difference, that it vindicates principles important to the American way of life.” Having earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting at Cedarville, Matt then received his J.D. with highest honors as valedictorian from The University of North Carolina School of Law. “A significant portion of the cases brought by the SEC are accounting fraud cases,” he said. “So even today as a lawyer, more than 17 years after I graduated from Cedarville, I still use what I learned in my accounting classes.” Matt lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife, Wendy (Walters) ’94, and their three children, Ian, Emily, and Evan. They attend Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Brittaney Randolph ’09 , Ben Futoran ’04 , David Parmerlee ’06, and Andrea (Schimmenti) Pacecca ’96 enjoy working alongside each other at Indian Rocks Christian School in Largo, Florida. In Memory We extend our condolences to the families and friends of these dear loved ones. Bertha (Oleyar) Powers passed away on November 19, 2009. She attended Cedarville from 1936–37 and was a member of the Boarding Club and the Gospel Team. She was an executive secretary for nine years at the Gulf Oil Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She met her husband, George, in the Gulf company choral group and continued singing in church choirs throughout her life. She is survived by her three children and two grandsons. Cletis (Jacobs) Waddle ’37 passed away on April 14, 2010, at the age of 92 at her home in Yellow Springs, Ohio. She received her associate’s degree in education from Cedarville and taught school until her retirement in the late 1970s. Rebecca (Creswell) Straley passed away on June 12, 2010. She attended Cedarville from 1950–52. Rebecca was a lifetime member at the Cedarville United Presbyterian Church, where she enjoyed singing in the choir. She is survived by two sisters, one brother-in-law, four children, and two grandchildren. Norman Barnard ’67 , of Shepherd, Michigan, passed away on February 22, 2010. He and his wife, Louise (Stutesman) ’67 , served as missionaries in Asia for 32 years, retiring in 2008 to serve at Trinity Baptist Church in Alma, Michigan. Norman is survived by his wife; five children, Heather Kelly ’93 , Shannon Krise ’94 , Shonda Kenter, Bradford ’00 , and Holly Baxter; and nine grandchildren. Sheryl (Scoggins) Johnson ’80 passed away on May 16, 2010. She was a special education teacher in Belton, Missouri, for 28 years. She was instrumental in starting the L.I.F.E. Academy Program in the Belton School District. This program helps special education high school graduates learn basic life skills. Sheryl was an active member of Belvidere Heights Baptist Church, where she was the organist for many years. She is survived by her husband, Timothy, and their four children. alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight alumni spotlight To send your updates, visit or e-mail You may also send them to Alumni Relations, 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314. Deadlines are December 15 for the spring issue, April 15 for the summer issue, and August 15 for the fall/winter issue. The editorial staff has full discretion regarding submissions. “It’s exciting to know that your work matters — that it makes a difference.” Cedarville University 39 a lumnotes