Inspire, Fall/Winter 2011

The Time Traveler’s Granddaughter Of all the Cedarville generations, a student discovers her own is the best fit. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could travel back in time? We could learn so much about the past. We could watch the first fireworks show, listen to the first phone call, explore the first century, visit times and places and people we only distantly learn about in history classes. And I could wake myself up in time for classes I wish I hadn’t slept through. If I could travel back in time, I would choose to meet my grandparents when they were my age. My grandparents, John ’60 and Sandy (Millikin) Entner ’59, met here at Cedarville more than 50 years ago. I could come back and witness their first meeting or watch them on one of their first “approved” double dates. I imagine them the same as they are today — except my grandma would have all of her hearing and my grandpa would have all of his hair. Time As It Was I know from their stories that if I were to travel to the past, Cedarville’s campus would be very different. There were only 120 students on campus when my grandparents were here in the late 1950s, and class sizes were quite small. “We knew everyone,” Grandma said. “Many of the students have become lifelong friends. A number of us have had our 50th wedding anniversaries, and we still keep in touch.” She was a student here following a period of major change. Formerly a Presbyterian school, Cedarville merged with a Bible college in Cleveland under Dr. James T. Jeremiah. Although the college dated back to the late 1800s, in by Cedarville student Katie Entner ’13 16 FALL/WINTER 2011 my cedarv i l le