Inspire, Fall/Winter 2011

Students and their bobbie socks filed into the Milner Chapel. M I L N E R C H A P E L 1 9 5 3 –1 9 6 2 You can almost hear their voices singing, “All, all I need …” Chapel was held in the building that later became the bookstore, the copy center, and now houses human resources and campus safety. There were only about 120 students on campus, and, it will be hard for this generation to believe, we were seated alphabetically. We were also required to attend Sunday morning and Sunday evening services there unless we had a Christian service assignment at another church. Wednesday night prayer meeting was also required. Highlights for me were the preachers who really taught the Word. My favorite was always Dr. James T. Jeremiah. The daily chapel was a great way to make it truly a Cedarville family. We worshipped together and prayed together. We knew the concerns and praises of the other students, so we truly learned to care for one another. Many of those students are lifelong friends. Sandy (Millikin) Entner ’59, Xenia, Ohio 50s From 1962–1976, students gathered for daily chapel in Alford Auditorium, which also functioned as the gymnasium. Chapel continues to be a unique feature of a Cedarville education. Today, Cedarville is one of only seven universities in the country to continue the practice of daily chapel. This 10 a.m. hour of “family time” has shaped students’ lives and campus culture for generations. Together WE GAT H E R 20 FALL/WINTER 2011