Inspire, Spring 2001

I have learned that God will sometimes provide in the most unexpected ways. Thanks for allowing Him to use you to be such an encouragement as I endeavor to make the most of my college experience. Kandace Kenyon Morris Scholarship Once again, I thank you. Your gift is like a building block in my life. Through it I am able to continue to stay in college, and it also inspires me to help other college students when I am done with school. May God bless you! Agatha Montoya Navajo Bible Church Scholarship Thank you so much for your generosity, care, and concern. You have made such a great impact on my life and for this I am grateful. May the Lord bless your generosity. Victoria Haverlock Gray-Paxson Scholarship I am writing to express my appreciation for your generosity in donation to the Cedarville University Endowment Funds. Since my financial aid is limited, you must know that this is a tremendous help to me. I thank the Lord for the generous donations from people like you. I know God put it in your heart to invest in the lives of college students at Cedarville University. As a result, it takes some of the financial burden off those in need so that they may serve God and prepare for His plan in their lives. People like you who invest in Cedarville students may not always have the privilege of seeing results, but God does have a purpose for those who are willing to serve Him and will be “ faithful to complete it ” (Philippians 1:6). Dawn Ciccanti David and Edith Clark Scholarship FunD I just wanted to thank you again for your support as I finish out my time here at Cedarville. It has been a great experience and I will carry many of the lessons I learned here with me for the rest of my life. What a blessing this scholarship has been for me. I was worried about my finances this year, and God provided through your gifts in this scholarship. Thank you for your faithfulness to give back to God and to support those preparing for service in the future. Clifford Reynolds Alumni Scholarship