Inspire, Spring 2002

8 Spring 2002 Council Update A Fond Farewell to: Mavis Wu Davis ’95 Mavis has undergone a few life changes since joining the Alumni Council more than four years ago. Coming to us as Mavis Wu, she leaves us as Mavis Davis, and it was our privilege to watch her grow and follow God’s leading in her life. Although part of her time on the Council was spent in Michigan, Mavis is happy to be back in the warmer climate of North Carolina. As a council member, Mavis helped with various reunions and regional events and served as secretary of the Council. Mavis will always be remembered for her enthusiasm, energy, and great ideas. She could make us laugh and think at the same time, all the while reminding us of why we are so committed to this place called Cedarville. David “Kelly” Fath ’91 Kelly Fath has also gone through a few changes since joining the Alumni Council. Although his name hasn’t changed, his work and direction has. First approached to serve on the Council while working as a full-time attorney, Kelly has since pursued a master of divinity degree at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary of Cornerstone University and will be heading to the mission field in the near future. He is active at Calvary Church in Fruitport, Michigan as the chair of the missions committee, and he helps lead the singles ministry. Kelly served as the chair of the Alumni Association and as the regional alumni coordinator for west Michigan. Kelly’s name will undoubtedly be forever associated with the regional alumni coordinator program and regional events. His love for and loyalty to Cedarville are classic examples of alumni participation. A Warm Welcome to: Karyn Hartman Brookes ’95 Karyn joins the Council in an “official” capacity after having been faithful in serving Cedarville University as a regional alumni coordinator, reunion committee member, and area college representative. Karyn and her husband, Dan, live in Washington. When asked about her interest in being on the Alumni Council, Karyn said “I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Cedarville and enjoy speaking with prospective students as well as reminiscing with alumni.” Kevin Howells ’90 Kevin organized his 5-year and 10-year reunions and is still willing to serve on the Alumni Council! We’re pleased to have him join us from Chicago where he works at Moody Bible Institute in the retail division. When asked why he’d like to serve on the Alumni Council, Kevin stated, “During my four years at Cedarville, I grew to love the College, its mission, purpose, and vision.” He looks forward to representing the alumni to Cedarville as well as representing Cedarville to the alumni. The purpose of the Alumni Council shall be the promotion of the interests of Cedarville University and the provision of Christian fellowship, information, education, and service opportunities to the glory of God. (Back Row) Faith Linn ’83, Deborah Zaller Stephens ’78, Kevin Howells ’90, Karyn Hartman Brookes ’95, Kim Jenerette ’83, Mark Leach ’81 (Front Row) Susan Terkelsen ’88, Ryan Burkhard ’98, Kezia McNeal ’92