Inspire, Spring 2002

E dith Wigal Clark graduated from Cedarville College in 1929 and served as a teacher for more than 35 years. In 1937, she married the love of her life, David Clark. David and Edith celebrated 57 years together before her death in 1994. David and Edith were known as generous and humble individuals. They were quick in seizing opportunities to help their neighbors. Even while grieving his wife’s passing, David thought of others, specifically the students of Cedarville University. As a memorial to his beloved wife, he established the David H. and Edith W. Clark Scholarship. David knew that Edith would approve of assisting students from her alma mater. He knew that he was providing a significant financial resource for many deserving Cedarville students. What he may not have known is that he was also providing an example of faithfulness to the entire student body—faithfulness that would be reflected to him in the final days of his life. Cedarville students are involved with a number of ministries in the Cedarville community. One of these ministries is to patients of Greene Memorial Hospital. One of these patients was David Clark. During a visit to the hospital, a group of students happened upon a friendly gentleman by the name of “Mr. Clark.” They enjoyed spending time with him and looked forward to visiting him again. Therefore, they were shocked by an announcement in chapel a few days later that David Clark, a generous scholarship donor, had passed away. These students were so touched by their brief interaction with David that they wrote the following to Dr. Dixon: “Last Wednesday, I, along with three other Cedarville students, met Mr. Clark as we volunteered at Greene Memorial Emergency Room. At the time, we had no idea that he had so little time left on this earth. But we really enjoyed spending time with him, encouraging him, and talking to him about Cedarville. He was very modest about his contributions to scholarships at Cedarville. Today, when I found out about his death, I was saddened, but felt deeply privileged to have been able to meet him. I hope that when we told him how much we love the education we receive at Cedarville and expressed our appreciation for scholarships such as his, he was able to see at least a small glimpse of the difference his life has made to others. I feel honored to have met such a humble servant of God. Thank God for bringing people like Mr. Clark into our lives.” —Julia Sullivan ’04 “We met him last week during our community ministry. After the girls told him we were from Cedarville, he lit up like a light bulb. He was very friendly with all of us and wanted to know about us individually. As Dr. Dixon told us this morning [in chapel], he and his wife spent their lives investing and working to help students they didn’t even know. They did not ask for special ceremonies or public recognition of their generosity. They just lived quietly and quietly passed away into eternity with lives well lived for the Lord. I envy Mr. Clark for having such a fulfilled life and now being in the presence of his Lord, hearing God say, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.’ I met him once for a very short time, but I thank God for the opportunity. What a testimony and example of a life well lived for things that really matter! I am encouraged and challenged to live my life for the Lord and His priorities.” —Ryan Boudreau ’04 Before his death on February 9, 2001, David Clark guaranteed that he would continue to help Cedarville students by designating a substantial gift from his estate to the David H. and Edith W. Clark Scholarship. We think both he and Edith would be pleased that their scholarship will provide tuition assistance for approximately 25 students every year. Cedarville University joins with its student body in expressing our sincere gratitude for the Clarks and their support of our ministry. Inspire 9 Heritage Corner Faithfulness Reflected Upcoming Heritage Alumni Events May 3 – Cedar Day: Lunch in the President’s Dining Room June 13 – A day in Waynesville, Ohio, including lunch and stopping at a few shops July 8 – Women Educators Luncheon in the President’s Dining Room featuring Jane Adams Smith ’84 as guest speaker August 7 – Annie at LaComedia in Springboro September 14 – Lunch and a Cincinnati Reds baseball game vs. the Chicago White Sox David Clark pictured with 1999 scholarship recipients and family friend Charlene Weismiller