Inspire, Spring 2004

Contents Volume 14 Issue 3 Spring 2004 Features 7 Missions Conference 2004 Find out how screen and stage were used to bring a powerful message to the University family. 18 Revolve Us Again When Thomas Nelson Publishers released a fresh new presentation of the Bible, the ensuing media frenzy opened up hundreds of opportunities for Laurie Whaley ’97. 21 In Whose Image? Journalist Rebecca J. Ritzel ’99 shares her insights on how Christians can correct their image problem in the media. Sections 5 Director’s Chair 6 What’s Abuzz 12 Alumni Association News 14 The Big Pic © 16 What’s the Word? 29 Alumnotes Cedarville University Alumni Association 251 N. Main Street Cedarville, Ohio 45314 News to Pray For In this newsroom, some of the most influential voices in Christianity have shared their hearts and minds with Chad Bresson ’86. As news director for the CDR Radio Network, Chad hosts the IMPACT NEWS program, which keeps listeners informed on Kingdom issues. To learn more about Chad’s vision for IMPACT NEWS, visit page 25.