Inspire, Spring 2008

Cedarville University 21 Broadcasting in Ohio ‡"UIFOT '. r #FMMFGPOUBJOF '. r $IJMMJDPUIF '. r %BZUPO '. r %FMBXBSF '. (SFFOWJMMF '. r +BDLTPO '. r /FX 1BSJT '. r 1JLFUPO 8BWFSMZ '. r 1PSUTNPVUI '. r 4JEOFZ '. r 4QSJOHđFME '. r 8FTU 6OJPO '. In Indiana ‡ 3JDINPOE '. r Listen worldwide at www. / .BJO 4U r $FEBSWJMMF 0IJP r r XXXăF1BUI GN " $PNNVOJUZ 4VQQPSUFE .FEJB .JOJTUSZ PG $FEBSWJMMF 6OJWFSTJUZ Music, biblical teaching, and kingdom-focused news %S #JMM #SPXO QSFTJEFOU PG $FEBSWJMMF 6OJWFSTJUZ +BOFU 1BSTIBMM IPTU PG Janet Parshall’s America %S %BWJE +FSFNJBI IPTU PG Turning Point ... and more! $FEBSWJMMF 6OJWFSTJUZ $IBQFM r :FMMPX +BDLFU 4QPSUT r *NQBDU /FXT r " .JOVUF GPS UIF $IVSDI r 'PDVT PO UIF 'BNJMZ r +BOFU 1BSTIBMM T "NFSJDB r /BODZ -FJHI %F.PTT r .POFZ .BUUFST r %BWJE +FSFNJBI r $IVDL 4XJOEPMM r "OTXFST JO (FOFTJT r 'BNJMZ-JGF 5PEBZ r "MJTUBJS #FHH “I grew up very poor,” said Kevin. “I was only able to go to Cedarville because of loans and on-campus jobs. I know what it’s like to struggle financially.” Ministry-Minded Dedicating the business to Christ and cultivating a family culture for CFA Networks and its employees stand as top priorities for the partners. “So many people put their businesses first, but we’re believers and we’re missionaries here first,” Craig said. “The business is how we do it, but we’re all responsible to share and live the Gospel so people can see what a real believer is.” Although the business has grown substantially, it’s still small enough that the partners help out whenever they can. “The managers aren’t set apart,” Todd admitted. “We wear all the hats that it takes. If there’s a semi that needs unloading, we’re all down there unloading it.” The partners also enjoy the freedom they’ve found to make corporate, rather than just individual, decisions based on what they believe Christ wants. “We’re concerned about our employees beyond just having them bill their time,” said Craig. “It’s great that we can talk to them about personal issues and truly invest in their lives.” The three men are looking forward to the future of CFA Networks. As the business continues to grow, so will the legacy these three have begun. They eagerly anticipate further opportunities to support the community and various ministries. They also look forward to their future together as partners and friends. “We’ve made a commitment now to kind of go through life together — at least a significant portion of it,” said Todd, noting that the partners’ families are close and all have children about the same age. They will also continue to give credit where it is due. “Being believers and understanding our position before God, we realize that our success is not because of us,” Craig concluded. “We can work as hard as we want, but it’s really God making everything happen. This is His business, and that’s why we’re willing to work hard and give back — because we realize it’s not ours. It’s not about us. It’s not about the things that we do. It’s truly about God’s glory.” Kevin Schleinitz and his wife Hope live in Springfield with their children Mackenzie (11), Noah (9), and Elli (6). They attend Southgate Baptist Church. You may contact him at . Craig Terrell and his wife Leah (Robbins) ’89 call South Charleston, Ohio, home, along with their daughters Rachel and Nicole (9), Stephanie (7), and Jessica (5). He serves as a member of Cedarville University’s technology advisory council. The family attends Southgate Baptist Church. You may contact him at . Todd Roberts met his wife Marlo (Fuller) ’92 while standing in line for their freshman ID cards at Cedarville. The couple resides in Springfield with their daughters Madison (8) and Jordan (4). They attend Southgate Baptist Church. You may contact him at . Sarah (Bartlett) Borich ’02 is a freelance writer and editor who currently resides in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband Ben ’03. You may contact her at . “As the business continues to grow, so will the legacy these three have begun.” i