Inspire, Spring 2010
Brenda (Woods) Phillips ’93 and her husband, Kevin, announce the births of Daniel Lawrence and Emma Catherine on March 19, 2009. They reside in East Lynn, Illinois, where Brenda is a stay-at-home mom and Kevin is a pastor. Robb Barnum ’94 and his wife, Nancy, announce the birth of Ryan Shane on December 31, 2008. He was welcomed home by brothers Devan (7) and Kyle (4). The family resides in West Hartford, Connecticut, where Robb works for Conning Asset Management and Nancy stays at home with the children. Josette (Walborn) Hildreth ’94 and her husband, Nate, announce the birth of Lauren Ann on June 16, 2009. She joined big sister Kendra Diane, who was born on November 4, 2004. They reside in Caledonia, Ohio. If you would like to contact a friend highlighted in this section, please e-mail us at . We’d be glad to put you in touch. Friends for Life Cruise On February 11–15, while much of the country faced cold winds and snowstorms, a group of Cedarville alumni and friends experienced a much warmer climate aboard the Grandeur of the Seas! On this year’s Friends for Life Cruise, the group set sail for Cozumel, Mexico, and enjoyed four days of fun, food, and fellowship. Dr. and Mrs. Bill Brown also attended the special event. A highlight of the trip was the Sunday morning worship service. Other guests on the cruise joined the group as Jeff Beste ’87, Jim Cato ’83, and Stephanie Minier ’05 provided music and Dr. Brown gave a brief message. “The best part of the cruise was building relationships,” shared Jeff, director of alumni relations. “It’s amazing how much you get to know people in such a short amount of time. Whether relaxing together, eating dinner, or playing shuffleboard, we had so many great opportunities to talk about God, family, and life.” a lumnotes CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY 31
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