Inspire, Summer 1993

$10,000 Ameritech Award Cedarville College received a $10,000 Ameritech Partnership Award in recognition of the college's Community Ministries Program. Cedarville's program facilitates student volunteerism in 30 local organizations, including nursing homes, hospitals,jails, children's ministries, mental health agencies, and literacy programs. Students volunteer 70,000 hours per year. Cedarville's award was one of five that the Ameritech Foundation awarded to Ohio independent colleges in recognition of special programs. Dr. David Robey and the cast and crew of The Comedy of Errors treated the Cedarville College family to a delightful trip into the world of William Shakespeare. Students and visitors, including many parents and alumni, enjoyed the hilarious production during performances on April 30, May 1 and May 6, 7,and 8(Parents Weekend). Five happy graduates from the 458 new Alumni Association members. Kelli Costales celebrates graduation Hawaiian style! Dennis Farro completes his college education with a little help from his friends. Sherri Leeds, Beth Lutz, and Kim Higginbotham will miss their days in Harriman Hall. Christine Watson Ferris'89 (left) and Sherri Watson Smith '86 (right) congratulate brother Keith as the final sibling of their family to graduate from Cedarville College. 4SUMMER'93 Elizabeth Lane is this year's Faculty Scholarship recipient. Bill Montgomery, Kirsten Gibbs,and Paul Anderson (l-r), pictured here with Dr. Dixon, were awarded the President's Trophy at graduation ceremonies on June 5. The President's Trophy is presented based on ministry and community involvement, academic achievement,and campus involvement.