Inspire, Summer 2003

Pray for Our Country, Family, and Friends Affected by War Jennifer Heritage PaskVan ’92 writes: This last year, the Lord has been more real to me than at any other time in my life. On September 11, 2001 the entire world changed. While we all ached for those who lost loved ones, my hurt became personal. My husband Joe is a Naval Reserve Officer, and on November 14, 2001 he was recalled to active duty. He took a military leave of absence from his job with Delta Air Lines and headed to Gaeta, Italy on one-year orders. The children and I were not permitted to go. In March, I closed on our new home, while Joe sat by his phone in Italy waiting to hear how it went. We had begun construction on our home before the attacks and we had no choice but to continue on, even though Joe wouldn’t be around. The Lord never failed us. He blessed us with a builder who is a believer and one that I could completely trust regarding this house. We now live in our dream home and have a constant reminder of how awesome God is! Summer came and went and the kids began the school year in a new school system. They have adjusted well and are loving their teachers and new friends. The beginning of October, I received word that Joe would be coming home. His year was done and the Navy was writing his orders to come home. Joy washed over our entire family as finally we were going to have our husband and daddy home. But, the Lord had another plan. One week later, Joe was informed that his service would be extended for another year. My joy turned into shock, then frustration, and finally even a little anger. Hadn’t Joe done enough? Why couldn’t they ask someone else to go over? But that still, small voice reminded me that my hope is in the Lord and that He will be my Rock. Joe came home for a visit at the end of October and again at Christmas, and we had a wonderful time. When he will come home for good remains to be seen. I’m hoping to have him home this summer, but I don’t know what will happen. We don’t know, but what we do know is that God is in control of EVERYTHING. Even when it doesn’t make sense, I have to have faith that He will sustain me. Yes, I am tired and, yes, I am ready for my husband to come home, but I know through the grace of God alone, I can make it through this. To God be the glory.