Inspire, Summer 2012

Take advantage of nine FREE webinars that offer practical information and advice for parents of high school and college students. Each webinar will focus on a particular topic and provide you with the opportunity to interact with our campus experts. Resources for Parents of New Students Sept. 10 Making the Most of Your Campus Visit Sept. 24 Helping Your Student Choose a College Oct. 8 Finding Sources of Aid Nov. 12 Making College More AffordableWith Tax Credits and College Savings Plans Jan. 14 Completing the FAFSA – First-time Filers or Renewal Filers Feb. 11 Learning at the Collegiate Level Mar. 4 Creating Your Financial Plan Mar. 18 College Life Outside the Classroom Apr. 8 Sticker Shock – Making the Final Decision Learn more and register: Parents, Ask the Experts 2012–13Webinar Series Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy • Prevents water retention • Helps relieve nausea, constipation, and fatigue • Prevents excessive weight gain and can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes • Relieves stress and helps you maintain a more balanced emotional state • Strengthens your body and prepares it for labor and delivery • Prepares you for a faster recovery after giving birth In general, during a typical low-risk pregnancy, you can maintain your pre-pregnancy level of fitness. In other words, you should be able to continue with whatever workout plan you had before becoming pregnant, but this is not the time to start training for a marathon. If pregnancy is in your near future, ramp up your exercise program now. Don’t wait until you are pregnant to start a workout program — this is as unrealistic as it is unsafe. If you are unsure about how to get started or what to do for a safe workout, talk to a trainer or your doctor. Amanda (Cole) Tress ’08 is the web marketing specialist at Cedarville and a personal trainer. She and her husband, Brandon ’10, live in Beavercreek, Ohio, with their daughter, Emma. You may contact her and find more information and resources at Stability Ball Ab Exercises Sit on the edge of a stability ball holding your arms out straight in front of you. Lean back, then come up slowly using your abdominal muscles. Variation: Lean back and when you come up, point your arms to the left of your knees to work your transverse obliques. Repeat on the right side. Do sets of 15 reps on each side. Horse Stance Position yourself on all fours. Bring your belly button in toward your spine. Raise your left leg and right arm and hold for three seconds. Release and repeat with your right leg and left arm. Continue to alternate between each side. This exercise will stimulate and strengthen your abs, back, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders. Do two sets of 15 reps on each side. Ten to Ones With five-pound hand weights: 1. Bring your arms straight out from your side, parallel to the ground, then slowly lower them. 2. Bring your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground, then slowly lower them. 3. Raise your arms above your head touching the weights in the middle, then slowly lower them. Do one set of each variation 10 times. Continue additional sets with nine reps, then eight, etc., down to one. Here are some great strength training and core exercises you can do throughout pregnancy. Keep your back straight and abs tight for each exercise. Breathe out through your mouth on the flex and in through your nose on the release. Consult with your doctor and a personal trainer before you continue or begin an exercise program during pregnancy.