Inspire, Winter 1992

Cedarville College Alumni Association P.O.Box 601 Cedarville,OH 45314-0601 INS P IkE Mr. E Mrs. Lynn Brock 3i5CoIIeje1jIi0r. Cedarvi lie, '1H 45314 Non-Profit Org. U.S.Postage PAID Permit No. 1315 Dayton,OH (1 • doe °14 of students at Cedarville College this year as a partner in their education. MINERS'92-'93 is offand running. We appreciate the many alumni who have already responded to this Annual Fund opportunity; others can still join them. WHAT IS THE NEED? This year,the gap between what students pay and what it truly costs to provide their education is $1.16 million. That gap is called the Annual Fund,and it is met through the gifts offriends, businesses,churches,and alumni. all ME ME UM ME ME MEM MEM ME ME ME MEM MM1 Yes,I would like to become a PORTMER with students to help meet the Annual Fund needs. Name Address City State_ Zip Phone( Amount Enclosed $ Return to: Annual Fund Office P.O. Box 601 Cedarville,OH 45314 NMI AM MIMI =MI MIMI nn MINN MINI Il■ nnn HOW IS THE $11.16 MILLION ANNUAL FUND SPENT? Every dollar touches the students you see pictured above. •53% is used to compensate faculty and staff, the primary role models who embody the Cedarville College education. •27% helps fund education materials and supports instruction. •13% helps maintain facilities. •4% is given to students who need further financial aid. •5% helps fund cocurricular activities like chapel, residence hall programs,and Christian ministries. Without the Annual Fund,each student's cost would increase $552.38 this year. Over four years,that is a sizable sum of money. DO SMALL GIFTS HELP? Gifts,large and small,do make a difference for the students of Cedarville. Last year,6,505 gifts together met the Annual Fund need;over 2,200 were from alumni.So far this year, the average gift from alumni is $37.51.Join the many alumni who are already standing with our students and become a partner in their education during 1992-93. Perhaps you could not help when we called previously. Or maybe we did not readi_you during PauliErts '92-'93, but you still want to JOIN THE CROWD.