Inspire, Winter 1993

Cedarville College Alumni Association P.O.Box 601 Cedarville,OH 45314-0601 INSPIRE Mr. Prian Brock 315 College Hill Dr. Cedarville, OH ii5314 Non-Profit Org. U.S.Postage PAID Permit No. 1315 Dayton,OH johtf of students at Cedarville College this year as a partner in their education. poRTNERs 1 93-194 is of and running. We appreciate the many alumni who have already responded to this Annual Fund opportunity; others can still join them. WHAT IS THE NEED? This year,the gap between what students pay and what it truly costs to provide their education is $1.18 million. That gap is called the Annual Fund,and it is met through the gifts offriends, businesses,churches,and alumni. III= NM MIMI IMMI NMI 1=11 IEEE NM NINE IIII NM 1 Yes,I would like to become aPARTNER with students to help meet the Annual Fund needs. Name Address City State-- Zip Phone( Amount Enclosed $ Return to: AnnualFund Office P.O.Box 601 Cedarville,OH 45314 III NMI MIMII HOW ISMI$1.111 HIILIJON ANNUALPIJNDspwat Every dollar touches the students you see pictured above. II 53% is used to compensate faculty and staff, the primary role models who embody the Cedarville College education. •27% helps fund educational materials and supports instruction. •13% helps maintain facilities. •5% helps fund cocurricular activities like chapel, residence hall programs,and Christian ministries. III 4% is given to students who need further financial aid. Without the Annual Fund,each student's cost would increase $527.90 this year. Over four years,that is a sizable sum of money. DOSMALLONTO NEP? Gifts,large and small,do make a difference for the students of Cedarville. Last year,6,267 gifts together met the Annual Fund need;over 2,300 were from alumni.So far this year,the average gift from alumni is $39.07.Join the many alumni who are already standing with our students and become a partner in their education during 1993-94. S you could help when we led previously. maybe we did not eh ou during PIERS 94, but you 11 want to JOIN WD. The Annual Fund of Cedarville Coll 60.4 /4 stole' 14em'