Inspire, Winter 1995

A College Family That PraysTogether Larry Green is thankful to be restored to health and able to enjoy life with Beth and theirfour sons,Shawn(10),Stephen(8), Stuart(6), and David(1). C hapel is a family time at Cedarville College,a time that includes the extended family of alumni through their prayer requests. Nearly every day,Dr. Harold Green stands at the podium in the chapel to share the requests of students, faculty, staff, and alumni.For several months in 1993,one ongoing request especially illustrated the "family" concept. Larry Green '82,Pastor Green's son and a pastor himself at Northland Baptist Church in Grand Rapids,was struck by a severe illness in January. For months,the College family prayed for healing and for a diagnosis ofthe disease that left Larry exhausted and bedridden. In May,doctors at Mayo Clinic found that Larry had fibromyalgia,a muscular disease. After weeks of rest and medication,Larry was able to resume his ministry, but was instructed to limit his activity and stress for the rest ofhis life. Larry's wife,Beth Miller Green'81, says,"The only thing worse than going through something like this is feeling that nobody cares or nobody knows." But as Beth sat in doctors' waiting rooms,she took comfort in the prayers offriends."I'd ask the Lord to show Himself strong,because His people were praying." "I felt the impact of people's prayers when I received letters and cards from students and faculty," Larry shares. Over the summer,when he felt well enough to go out and buy some new shoes,a young woman waited on him and learned his name."So you're the one we've been praying for all this time!"she said.She was a Cedarville student. Larry continues,"I even got notes from other pastors who had heard of my illness from Cedarville students in their church.So the prayer requests went out into the larger body ofChrist." Alumni who have prayer requests to share with the college family can call or write the Christian Ministries Department.The phone number is 513-766-7709,and the Internet account is All requests or praise items will be mentioned in chapel or communicated to College students and personnel in regular announcements. Professor Publishes Doctrinal Book For Children egular Baptist Press recently released IHave A Question About God by Dr.Cheryl Fawcett,assistant professor of Christian education,and Robert C.Newman,retired pastor. In the preface, Dr.Fawcett and her co-author state that the book's purpose is"to close a gap in the hearts and minds of young children concerning the Bible and its teaching. ...this simple teaching tool creates a simple way of getting beyond the Biblical text and toward a practical knowledge ofits message." Inspire has excerpted a chapter about prayer from the new book. I Have a Ouesrion AboutGod.,. actrinefo, and Their Parents! Cheryl Fawcett ILLU STRATIONS- Robert C.Newman RV RoN MAZILLAN Can I Talk With Jesus? Every time the phone rings, Bobbie wants to answer it. "I'll get it, Mom!Hello,this is the Schmidt house.How may I help you?"Mom and Dad taught Bobbie how to say that. But she doesn't always answer the phone the right way. One time Mom was expecting a phone call from Dad. He was working someplace away from home.Mom told us,"Ifthe phone rings this afternoon,don't answer it. I'll get it, you understand?" Megan and I nodded,and Bobbie said,"Yes,Mom." Tommy came over that day,and we played catch in the backyard. Megan and her friend Ginny were skipping rope. Bobbie kept bugging us. First she wanted to play with Megan and Ginny,but she kept messing up.It was pretty funny.Then she wanted to play with me and Tommy.She did for a while.But she must have got bored,because she went inside. Bobbie got her shovel and pail to play in the sandbox. She was coming back outside when the phone rang. She ran to get it. I think she thought it was Dad. "Hello,this is the Schmidt house. How may I help you?"She got it right that time. Buta scary voice said,"I have a collect—"Bobbie didn't even listen to what the man said.She dropped the phone on the floor and ran outside. After Tommy and Ginny went home,Megan,Bobbie, and I went inside. We decided to play Bounce It in the family room.I guess Mom walked by the phone and heard a loud buzzing—you know,that sound the phone makes when it's off the hook.So she came and found us. "Did any of you children pick up the phone today?" Bobbie asked,"Why?" "Ijust found it offthe hook.I wondered why Dad didn't call. That's not like him.He said he would call this afternoon." Prayer In The Classroom W hen Dr.Sharon Johnson looked through the material he had received from Cedarville College, he wondered about afew things. A faculty member at a large university, Dr.Johnson was looking to teach at a Christian college. But he wasn't quite sure that what Cedarville's video and catalog showed were entirely accurate."Now I know that chapel is for real. Prayer in the classroom is for real—it's not just to look good in case somebody's visiting that day," Johnson says. He enjoys the freedom he now has to share Scripture and pray with students. Dr.Johnson started as chair ofthe Department ofBusiness Administration in the fall of 1993."It took me abouttwo weeks to get back in the habit, but now I use the firstfew minutes ofevery class to incorporate some devotional thoughts or prayer in a way that ties into our course material." Other faculty may emphasize prayer requests from students in the class,ask students to pray,or pray at the end ofclass to thank the Lord for what has been learned. As Dr. Richard Baldwin teaches Business Law,he has been known to pause in the middle ofa lecture to thank God for His revelation and to pray for governmental authorities who enforce the law.The prayer life may vary from class to class, but as new faculty and students quickly learn,at Cedarville,it's for real. Department OfBiblical Education •Biblical Education has 11 professors with earned doctorates,second only to the Department ofScience and Mathematics which has 15. •Biblical Education(along with two other departments)has seven tenured faculty members,second only to the Department of Science and Mathematics which has nine. •In fall quarter, 1993, 136 students were enrolled in the Biblical Education program. •In fall quarter, 1993,Biblical Education accounted for 20 percent ofthe overall student credit hour production. • Biblical Education has Cedarville College's first and only Distinguished Professor,Dr. Robert Gromacki. Faculty in the Department ofBiblical Education:(FrontRow)Dr. Robert Gromacki,Dr. Greg Couser,Dr. Cheryl Fawcett,Dr. Daniel Estes '74, Mr.David Mills '92;(Middle Row)Dr. Chris Miller, Mr.David Warren '64, Dr. Gary Percesepe '75, Dr. David Drullinger;(Back Row) Dr.Jack Riggs, Dr. Richard Durham,Dr. Richard Blumenstock '63, Dr. Floyd Elmore '77 Megan and I looked at Bobbie."Umm,uhh,umm.I picked up the phone when I came in to get a toy.I said, 'How may I help you?' like I'm supposed to. But this very scary voice said something,so Ijust dropped the phone and ran." "Dropped it and ran? Bobbie,didn't you talk with the person on the phone?" "No,he was scary! He said something 'bout collect. And I didn't know what to do.I went outside and forgot to tell you." I could tell Mom wasn't too happy."Bobbie Lynn,if you can't answer the phone politely, you may not answer it at all. Besides, you disobeyed.I asked you children not to answer the phone today." "ButI wanted to talk to Daddy.I thought it was him. When I heard that other man,I didn't know what to do." "That's why I asked you not to answer the phone.Dad planned to call collect,and whoever answered the phone needed to accept the charges.That probably was Dad calling." "It wasn't Daddy's voice." "No,you heard the operator who was trying to help Dad make his call. Since you dropped the phone,Dad wasn't able to get through.He must be wondering if we're OK." Dad called again that night, but Mom wouldn't let Bobbie talk with him.It was a punishment,and Bobbie cried."But I love Daddy,and I wanna talk to him." "Bobbie,I know you love Dad,and he loves you.He told me to tell you that." "But I wanted to talk to him myself.I miss him."She kept sniffling. "Dad's working at a special project where he doesn't have a phone.He has to make a trip to town to call us. You may talk with him tomorrow when he calls." "But I want to talk with him now."I wondered if Bobbie would ever stop crying. "Next time you should listen better and obey." Finally she did stop and wiped her nose with her hand. Yuck! Mom didn't like it either,so she gave Bobbie a Kleenex. ni "Mom,does Jesus have a phone in Heaven? Would He ever call collect? That man sounded like Jesus."I kind of rolled my eyes 'cause I knew Jesus wouldn't have a scary voice. Bobbie was trying to dis-,dis-,dis—Iknow the word.I've heard Mom say it—distrack or something like that. Bobbie was trying to "distrack" Mom. "No,dear. Jesus doesn't need a phone." "Why?" "Because He and His Father talk with you through the Bible." "Can I talk to Him?" "Yes,by praying to Him." "But I can't hear His voice." "Yes,but you can talk with Him anytime,even if you don't have a phone.You can talk to God when you're in trouble or when you're happy or when you're alone or when you're with many people. And you don't have to bother with an operator either. You can talk to God the Father through Jesus any time." "That's better than a phone.Can I talk to God right now?" "What will you tell Him?" "I think I'll tell Him I'm sorry for disobeying you." "He would like to hear that." John 15:16,"...That whatsoever ye shall ask ofthe Father in my name,he may give it you." Reprinted with permission ofRegular Baptist Press, Schaumburg,Illinois. Available in hardcoverfor$24.95. Available to alumnifrom the Cedarville College Bookstorefor$24.95 which includes shipping and handling. Call513-766-7894 to order.