Inspire, Winter 1998-99

A News Publication for Cedarville College Alumni , In Your Spare Time WINTER 1998/99 by Dr.Pamela DiehlJohnson,Professor ofPhysicalEducation W hen asked,"What do you do in your spare time?," is your first thought,"I don't have any spare timer? Perhaps the question needs to be,"How are you using the time that you have?" Each of us has exactly the time we need to do and be what God desires us to do and be. But if we lack wisdom in the use of time, we may find ourselves out of balance, over-committed, and lacking thejoy we're intended to have as God's children. If that sounds like you,read on! Our primary purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That should not have to wait until our promotion to Glory. That should happen now as His children. We can do this by being faithful stewards of these lives God has given us. We do this by living wisely. So what does that mean? It means recognizing our time is His and keeping His perspective in all that we do. It means having a balance in our living, since balance is a theme throughout the creation. It means variety, and yet stability. It means responsibility, and yet adventure. It means others, and yet self. It means family, and yet strangers. It means approaching the whole of our lives with a practical skill in living that comes from God Himself through His Word,through His Holy Spirit working in and through us, and through His creation. So how are you doing? As mind-body-spirit beings, we know that each of our aspects interact with and affect each of our other aspects. These powerful interrelationships are referenced in Scripture and are becoming more and more acknowledged within the scientific, educational, and medical communities. Verses such as Proverbs 17:22 presenting the healing pow of a merry heart validate the legitimacy of using humor to promote healing in both mental and physical illness. That same verse acknowledges the debilitating effects of a broke spirit, a truth all too often witnessed in our world. Furthermore, physical frailties can contribute negatively to emotional, intellectual, or spiritual health, and vice versa. The physical,emotional, and intellectual benefits of spiritual wellness are asserted in Scripture and reported in daily newspapers, medicaljournals, and many popularjournals. With knowledge of these strong interrelationships, it is important for us to be careful to use our time in ways that benefit mind, body,and spirit. If our work is intellectually stimulating and spiritually refreshing but physically inactive, we need to incorporate fulfilling physical activity into other parts of our day. If our work is intellectually frustrating but physically exhausting and spiritually demanding, we need to seek intellectual stimulation and spiritual refreshment in our activities away from work. If our responsibilities cause us to interact with a computer and rarely with people or provide little or no opportunity to express our creativity, we should seek ministry and leisure involvements that provide people relationships and creativity outlets. Seeking these balances is key to wisdom in living. glorified through all the time of our lives! May God be