Inspire, Winter 1998-99

Heritage Corner A Stitch In Time —w ith her only instruction coming from a quilting book,Junia Cresswell Laughman '41 stitched her first quilt in 1978. She managed to cross-stitch the top while a friend,Erma Cresswell, quilted the top, batting, and back together. i ulna's intention was to enter the quilt in the Clark County Fair in Springfield, Ohio. Since this was her first attempt at cross-stitch and piecing a quilt top together,she was a bit nervous."I learned a few lessons from my first quilt—such as not to cross the 'x'of a stitch in two different directions!" Junia stated. Junia's quilting quest has so far resulted in 22 different quilts with designs ranging from the "nine-patch" to the "Irish chain." She has made quilts for each of her three children and seven grandchildren.The youngest grandchild enjoys cuddling with a polar bear quilt while sleeping. Junia said she now completes about two quilts a year. Two of her creations won first place blue ribbons and Best of Show awards at the Clark County Fair."Practice does make Heritage Reunion Luncheon The Heritage Alumni are always eager to take part in Homecoming.On Friday, October 15, their day began as they gathered in the Jeremiah Chapel ofthe Dixon Ministry Center to hear Dr. Dixon's State ofthe College address. Sitting down front, they were recognized for the many years they've prayed for Cedarville College. Following the chapel service,the group of 32 headed over to the President's Dining Room in the College Center, where they enjoyed a delicious lunch oflemon chicken with angel hair pasta. Old yearbooks were passed around,and laughs and sighs could be heard as each enjoyed special memories. perfect stitches!" Junia exclaimed. Junia uses her talent to benefit others as well as keep her family warm. In 1997 and 1998 Junia donated lone star pattern quilts to be auctioned at the Urbana Baptist Christian School's annual auction. In 1997 her quilt brought over $500 to benefit the school. Currently Junia is working on a crazy quilt, which contains 2,500 to 3,000 fabric pieces, all one and a half inch by one and a half inch."It is time consuming,but I'd rather quilt than clean my house!" exclaimed Junia. A tour of the campus given by current college students completed the day's activities. Seeing how the Lord has worked at Cedarville College through the years was the highlight ofthe day.The Heritage group went home with a renewed interest in praying for their alma mater. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1999 January 2 5 9 12 14 16 23 26 30 February 2 6 9 13 16 18 20 23 27 at St. Mary's College, MI at Mount Vernon Nazarene College UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-DEARBORN GENEVA COLLEGE URBANA UNIVERSITY at Tiffin University at Malone College MOUNT VERNON NAZARENE COLLEGE at Ohio Dominican College UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE WALSH UNIVERSITY (Li'l Sibs Weekend) SHAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY ST. VINCENT COLLEGE TEMPLE BAPTIST COLLEGE at Urbana University OHIO DOMINICAN COLLEGE (Alumni Weekend) at Geneva College at University of Rio Grande Head Coach: Jeff Reep 3:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 8:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 730 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 (937)766-7644 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1999 January 5 9 12 16 19 23 26 30 February 2 4 6 9 13 16 20 25 March 2,6,9 4,6 11-13 17-23 at Mount Vernon Nazarene College at Geneva College URBANA UNIVERSITY TIFFIN UNIVERSITY at Shawnee State University at University of Rio Grande MOUNT VERNON NAZARENE COLLEGE at Ohio Dominican College UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE at Wilberforce University WALSH UNIVERSITY (Li'l Sibs Weekend) SHAWNEE STATE UNIVERSITY at St. Vincent College at Urbana University OHIO DOMINICAN COLLEGE(Alumni Wknd) THE UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY at AMC Division I Tournament at NCCAA Division I Regionals at NCCAA National Tournament at NAIA National Tournament 5:00 5:30 5:00 2:00 7:00 4:00 5:00 2:00 5:00 7:00 5:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 5:00 7:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA Head Coach: Kathy Freese (937)766-7761 CDR Radio Now On The Web D o you still have an internal 10 a.m. chapel alarm? Do you miss the thrill of a Yellow Jacket basketball game? Now you can listen to these programs and more on CDR CyberRadio all over the world! If you have a computer and access to the Internet, tune in by visiting . You can download and install RealPlayer (a free program front the Internet) and click to listen. This connection allows listeners outside of radio broadcast range to hear CDR Radio live. Consult the schedule above for dates and times of games. Chapel is broadcast at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. Annual Flag Football Match Held The Fifth Annual Chuck Hegy-Kelly Fath Flag Football Game was held at the intramural fields on Saturday, October 17 at 2 p.m. during Homecoming 1998. This football series first began when Kelly and Chuck wanted to relive their college days of intramural football and near-champion status. An open invitation stands for 1999's game. The Glass Menagerie Graces Cedarville Stage The Cedarville College Department of Communication Arts presented Tennessee Williams' classic play The Glass Menagerie November 12-14 in the Alford Auditorium. Gary Barker'86 directed. Faculty guest artist Rebecca Baker carried the role of Amanda Wingfield. Rebecca, who has directed many plays on the Cedarville stage,serves on the Ohio lyric Theatre Board of Directors and has appeared in numerous community theatre productions. Her directing credentials include last summer's showing of The Secret Garden at the Springfield Summer Arts Festival. Technology Resource Center Completed R enovation of the former chapel building into the Technology Resource Center is complete. Designed to provide Cedarville students with access to state-of- the-art computer technology, the Center includes two 84-seat classrooms with advanced technology teaching stations,four computer classrooms, the DP&L Technology Training Center with video conferencing capabilities, a commuter lounge,and new faculty/staff offices.The former chapel building was used for offices and other activities following the October 1996 completion of the new Jeremiah Chapel in the Dixon Ministry Center. The new Technology Resource(enter further positions the College as a leader in campus computer networking. Fall Bible Conference Tapes Available A listair Begg,senior pastor of Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, was the speaker for Cedarville's Fall Bible Conference Sept. 21-25. Pastor Begg encouraged Cedarville students through his morning chapel series,"My Times Are in His Hands," and his evening series,"I Want to Know Christ." CDR is offering a set of tapes of the Fall Bible Conference. Organized in a binder,the five cassettes contain all morning and evening sermons from Alistair Begg.The cost is S17.50 plus tax and shipping. Tapes of just the morning or evening messages or even one single message are also available for S3.75 (plus tax and shipping) per tape.To order, call CDR Radio at 1-800-333-0601. Alumni Track Weekend Slated t's time to stretch out, worm up, and run! If track I was your sport in college, then you won't want to miss the first Alumni Track Weekend on March 26-27, 1999. The weekend will offer a great time as runners, jumpers, vaulters, and throwers gather together for a time of fellowship Friday night and a track meet on Saturday. The meet will run from 10 a.m. - Spat., and you can participate in a number of ways. Whether you choose to compete, help with the event or spectate and cheer, there's something for everybody. Following the meet, you'll want to stay for the evening cookout to catch up with fellow teammates. For more information, watch your February mail or contact Paul Orchard at 937-766-7762 or orchardp SIFE Shirt Available redarville College Students in Free Enterprise(SIFE) introduced a new Cedarville College shirt during Homecoming. These shirts may especially interest alumni because they display the College name and a major. Alumni ore finding that these shirts are a great way to represent Cedarville College everywhere—the workplace, ihe community or vacation spots. Appropriately, the shirts are blue with gold embroidered text. For more information about these S27.99 polo shirts and 515.99 T-shirts, call Bill Woods at 937-766 5825 or mail him at P.O. Box 601, Cedarville, OH 45314. You may also e-mail SIFEOcedai and visit the SIFE website at www.cedaiville.eciu/student_org/sife/ . U.S. News and World Report Honors Cedarville iis. News and World Report recently published its Uannual rankings of colleges and universities across the nation. Cede? vide College was ranked in the top tier of liber al arts schools ill the Midwest region. This tier is just one step below the region's top ten liberal arts schools. One of the criteria used in the ranking scheme is a category on alumni giving. The magazine evaluates schools based, in part, on the percentage of alumni who contribute to their alma muter. Interestingly enough, this category was one in which the College fared less favorably than others. What this means is that you, by making even a small contribution, can make a big difference in the College's rankings in the coming years. Remember,the criterion is concerned with the percentage of alumni contributors, not the total amount of giving. Play a role in the advancement of Cedarville College to the national stature it deserves by being a part of the percentage of alumni who contribute to their alma nutter. You can make a significant difference! 5 WINTER 1998/99