Inspire, Winter 1998-99

es in les ea Curtis Hoke '83,shared his testimony with the student body during Akimni Week in chapel. Shortly after his graduation, Curtis broke his spinal cord in \ an accident, which left him, confined to a wheel chair ai\a C5 quadriplegic. Curtis shared,N\ "My accident brought Carol N.\- (Stoltzfutz'83)and 1 back to the Bible. The answers to life are in the Word of God. Thissbook is completely trustwortI4," The class of 1973 celebrated their milestone 25-year reunion. he day included bre st at Or. andars. Dix home and a banquet dinner in President's Dining R dent 01 20 rots of nd Mrs. Dixon 'e 1998if ilk' C 1 tc Ili! .0 kte pciiiapcic: c (1111 Scheel I•icilchh, c el Phi •41ledi toe, eiljey:te licut lit'l c111(4121. \ - 411 ' 4 a The five-yebr reunion was atti 1 - i •Ny over 200 dassmatesgattlily, /f '4 from the class of 19,...,Lun ( Homecoming tent and a fan- in the Dixon Minis.y Cente were highlights of their tim Over 40 members of the Undergraduate Alumni Association (UAA) were seen serving alumni in various ways throughout the weekend. Rob '88 and Susan Vaughan Moore'86 decided to make the Saturday morning Homecoming 5K Road Run a family event. V!, 4101 s, \ „Aa, 111.11 Dr. Dixon and Centralitate tree University P r the aresident lohn VI:Garland enjoyed a carriage ride down Main St fonnual omecom H ing\parad e. - Aedarville Coilege's Concert . Chorale was thrilled to join `tarnelle Harris and over 1,600 a4dience members in praise.and wcAbip.p.Ui • octob 16 Homec. cert5the Jeremicth h. • - *dui weather and the ing parade (featuring e of 1,111y Favorite ) brobght smiles to the g the young and the youn 0 n citober 15-16,1999,the Cedarville Col ege campus will once again come alive with the excitementofreunions,concerts,athletic events, and the parade.Mark your calendars now tojoin usfor this wonderful occasion!Class reunions will be heldfor class years ending infourand nine.Ifyou're interested in helping with your class reunion orin planning a specialinterest reunion,please contactthe Alumni Office at I-SOO-837-2566 byjilt!, 15 r 1999. 7 WINTER 1998/99